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Friday, May 15, 2009

Different Gouty Arthritis Treatment Options

By P Easton

Gouty arthritis is also known as gout. This article is going to detail the top gouty arthritis treatment methods, as well as some of the causes. First, however, an overview of gout is necessary. Many people do not realize what it is and thus may not even be sure that they have it. It is a classically misunderstood problem.

Usually, gout manifests through an attack characterized by a pain which burns, as well as joint stiffness and swelling. The attacks tend to occur until the gout is appropriately treated. If it is not treated, then it can lead to serious problems when it comes to joints, tendons, and a number of other tissues. Men usually have gout more than women.

Some people are predisposed to gout. Overweight people often get it, as do those who drink too much alcohol. Eating large quantities of meat and fish that contain a lot of purine can lead to gout as well. Furthermore, some medications can lead to gout. Diuretics are one of those medications.

Usually, the big toe is where the symptoms of gout which most often occur. The big toe may become tender, it may swell, take on redness, and be the victim of sharp pains. Other times, gout pains occur in the feet, the ankles, or even the knees. An attack may last for several days or it can go on for weeks.

To get gout diagnosed, you will have to have a physical exam. Your doctor may extract fluids out of your joints and test them to see about the level of uric acid crystals in them. Too much uric acid in the blood stream is the main cause of gout. Thus, blood tests can also be used for a diagnosis.

Frequently, corticosteroids are used to treat gout. Other medications in varying quantities are also used. Once the symptoms begin to calm down, your dosages will be lowered in tandem. If you are able to begin treatment fast, then you can start to feel relief within a day.

Otherwise, you can rest the joint which is causing you the most pain. Over the counter anti inflammatory medications can be beneficial as well. However, you should not take aspirin. It can cause the level of uric acid in your blood to get higher. You also want to manage your diet and stay away from the aforementioned foods whenever possible. Cut down the amount of alcohol you drink. Make sure you are getting all the healthy nutrients you need.

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