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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Old Wives' Tales About Remedies For Healing Bruising, Debunked!

By Carolyn Cooper

A humorous thing about old wives' tales is that sometimes they can end up as being believable. Consider, it was not very long ago, that we had no way of knowing how beneficial things like blueberries and apple cider vinegar could be for us. However, the contrary can also be true, and you'll learn that there are many of these urban legends out there that get promoted as fact, in particular when we are discussing natural conditions like bruising. Bruises are present for different lengths of time for each of us, and it is too easy to accept that someone has found a magic cure for bruising when truth of the matter might just be the existence of a unusually strong immune system. Take enough time to ponder how to weed out any of these unproven cures that might have been relayed to you as the finest bruise treatment ever. You may just discover that there are no silver bullets.

Massaging the Bruise

Although massaging a bruise can help break down the blood clot, use of massage is only help the area if it is done gently, or it will antagonize the area if done too roughly. Although a massage can be done gently, you'll discover that it increases the flow of blood to the affected area. When you are dealing with bleeding from broken blood vessels, improving blood flow is not something that you need to encourage at this point. If you do decide that you want to massage the area, do it extremely gently and with the realization that you could be making the discoloration worsen.


Old wives' tales tell us that pepper can actually make the blood leave the area of a bruise. Pepper may have substances in it that can dim the pain a little bit, but the truth of the matter is that sprinkling pepper on your bruise is just going to make a mess. There are other remedies that do the same thing and do it much better, so leave the pepper in the spice cabinet.

Baking Soda

Now we're getting to remedies that can help you out a little bit, though not nearly as much as everyone says. Baking soda can be very useful when you want to calm down irritated (as in burned) skin, and it might even soothe some of the redness out, but the fact of the matter is that it is not going to help with a bruise that is very dark, and it will not make the bruise heal any faster.

Raw Meat

We've all heard this one, and a lot of us have seen, or perhaps we have even experienced, but raw meat, no matter how expensive the cut, is unable to help you cure the bruise. I've listened to plenty of discussions over what variety of meat is best suited for the job, and the simple fact is that they are all similar. The only benefit for putting raw meat against a bruise is that it presumably just came out of the freezer, and the coldness may help reduce swelling. The meat should be on your dinner plate, not on a bruise.

Take some time to sort out which, if any, of these old wives' tales are going to do well by you, and which ones are just a lot of bunk. Find a remedy that really works, and leave these old, unproven remedies alone. - 17268

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