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Friday, May 8, 2009

What Are the Acai Berry Side Effects

By Becky Kay

I have found that the acai berry side effects are pretty much a good thing. We usually think of side effects as bad but when it comes to the acai berry they are good. Sort of the same as an apple. The old saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' actually applies to the acai berry fruit as well.

Regardless of what we put in our mouths there is usually a side effect or two. When you read the labels on the food and drinks that we consume it is amazing what some of the ingredients are. Coffee can keep us awake at night and even give some of us heartburn. Soda pop can fatten us right up.

What I have found with the side effects of acai berry is that they are all good. At least I see them as all good. The berries are loaded with healthy benefits such as a great concentration of antioxidants and fiber. These two ingredients will help to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins.

There are a number of other benefits with acai berry such as the fight against cancer. A major university has found that acai appears to kill cancer cells. While the study is ongoing the results have been positive. The nutrients in acai berry supplements also help fight against other problems like diabetes and arthritis.

In fact the only possible negative side effect of acai berry that I found was not really negative at all. At least from my pint of view. The acai helps to suppress the appetite. Since one of the reasons I take acai berry supplements is to help me lose weight this is a good benefit and not a bad side effect.

Acai berry also helps our digestive systems to work properly and our muscle development is enhanced. Both of these things are caused by the essential fatty acids and amino acids found in the berry. This is just another positive since it causes beneficial fat loss.

Since the acai berry only grows in the Brazilian Rain Forest preserving the fruit is of utmost importance. Many have processed the berries in a combined supplemental product. Most if not all of the side effects that we would consider negative come from the added ingredients that the manufacturer uses to make their products. Make sure you read the label to see what in included in the one you have chosen. And it will be beneficial for you to choose one to take.

The product that I take has a number of other all natural ingredients added to it one of which has a bit of caffeine in it (read the label). Not any more than one cup of coffee contains but since I seldom drink coffee before bedtime I take my acai to begin my day so as not to mess up my sleep pattern. Taken the way it is recommended there are no negative acai berry side effects to contend with. - 17268

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