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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Usana PhytoEstrin - Optimizer Supplement for Women

By Angela Giles

Usana PhytoEstrin is an optimizer supplement developed by Usana Health Sciences, Inc. Usana produces and markets high quality dietary supplements for men, women and children. Usana PhytoEstrin is a woman-specific product that takes care of health issues during the period surrounding menopause.

The reproductive cycle in women begins at the age of puberty and ends at the age of menopause. At both the stages, there are major hormonal changes that take place. Whereas in puberty, hormonal production increases, in menopause, it reduces causing several health complications. Menopause usually happens around 45 to 55 (sometimes up to 60) years of age and causes reduction in estrogen and progesterone levels.

Natural approaches to maintaining health before, during, and after menopause have recently gained favor. These include regular exercise; a proper diet; nutritional supplementation with vitamin E, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and calcium; and botanical preparations of estrogen-like compounds called Phytoestrogen.

Phytoestrogens are sometimes nicknamed 'dietary estrogens' which are similar in structure to estrogens and produce similar effects. They are prepared from naturally occurring compounds in plants like grains, legumes and some fruits. Since women's bodies stops producing estrogen during and after menopause, taking phytoestrogen supplements have proved to be beneficial in promoting cardiovascular health and bone health.

Usana PhytoEstrin delivers a unique blend of phytoestrgen from 5 botanical sources. It contains isoflavones as another key ingredient and herbs that act as complements to the isoflavones. The herbs include licorice-root extract, black cohosh, chasteberry powder and dong quai.

A unique formulation in all respects, Usana PhytoEstrin helps in addressing a number of health issues in women related to hormonal changes during the pre-, peri- and post-menopause period. Usana PhytoEstrin is a laboratory tested product of the highest quality and adheres to the standards set by USP.

Usana and its products have been consistently recognized in various surveys to be the finest in nutritional care for the young and the old alike. - 17268

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