Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Healthy Diet - Healthier Body

By Spencer Gabato

A person concerned with health should choose to eat foods that have high health values. The food gives as the necessary substances for our body to operate optimally including our brain. To learn the what foods have higher health values can help us choose the food that can give us the needed nutrients.

Different foods have different health values and within food groups, some have more health value than others. Below, you can find the healthiest food choices. Eating them on a regular basis can bring you good health and hence a happier life.

The no. 1 source of minerals and vitamins are vegetables. Those with darker leaves or skin have higher antioxidant content than others but they all provide us with necessary vitamins and minerals. Kale, asparagus, green beans, celery, spinach and peas are some examples of health giving vegetables. Your body also can benefit from the nutrients that carrots, eggplant squash, mushrooms and yams give.

As with vegetables, dark coloured fruits have higher antioxidant content. Some examples are bananas, apples, fig, oranges, pears plums, graphs, watermelon and lemon. Acai berry have the highest antioxidant content among the berries while also having other beneficial nutrients. Acai berry is one of the top superfoods.

What to look for in meat, dairy and fish are those that are low in cholesterol and fat. Choose lamb, lean beef, chicken breast, venison and turkey when you eat meat. Among fishes cod, shrimp, tuna and scallops are the best. Good choices for the dairy group are yogurt, low-fat cheese and eggs.

Nuts and seeds are also very good for your health. Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, almonds, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds are good examples of health promoting nuts and seeds. Aside from the health benefit you get from these food, they are delicious too. As for grain products, choose brown bread, buckwheat, barley, rye, corn, whole wheat and oats. When it comes to bread, choose the brown bread instead of the white one.

Many food contain sugar to sweeten eat. If ever you crave for sweets, choose the ones which have natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey and molasses. They still tastes nice and the best thing is they will not hurt your health.

Spices can be combined with food to make it delectable. Spices can give many health promoting benefits for the body. Some of these are peppermint, sage, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, dill, basil and cilantro.

Many people drink soda and other non health promoting beverages because of its savoury flavor. Most of these beverages contain sugar and caffeine which are both not good for the body. Opt for water to hydrate your body because it is the best in terms of health. For beverages, a good choice is green tea because it is packed with the powerful antioxidant EGCG. - 17268

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