Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Will Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Wouldn't it be nice if we could prevent bruising and eat healthier at the same time we're doing it? The real facts of the matter are that fruits and vegetables have lots to do with how well our body deals with bruising, and if you are someone who has the tendency to bruise easily, or if you know of someone who does, we may determine that it is time for us to visit the produce aisle. When we've made the decision to start putting more fruits and vegetables on our table, we'll soon see that we can make a major impact on our bodys ability to heal improve the bodys ability to prevent bruises that we might otherwise be getting.

To begin with, lets talk about the foods that are rich in vitamin C. Not only does vitamin C boost your immune system, it also makes your body more resilient and more likely to bounce back from things like bruises. Eating foods that are high in vitamin C can very quickly give you a great boost in energy, as well as helping you to heal more quickly from any bruises that you may have already received. When you are trying to find the foods that have a lot of vitamin C, first consider citrus fruits. If you want to try something a little more savory, think about sweet potatoes.

You should also be certain that you are evaluating foods that are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is a primary nutrient that your body uses to fight off cellular damage and to deal with trauma, which causes it to be an ideal addition to your diet when you are interested in helping to reduce bruising. While it is said by some people that vitamin A can be received solely through supplements, be careful of following this course of action because this may lead to vitamin A poisoning; even though this poisoning occurs quite rarely, it has been documented to have happened. The method that is best for you will involve adding vitamin A into your diet, and you are able to do this by eating a variety of foods including carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots and turnip greens.

You also need to realize the fact that iron is a mineral that you should be obtaining from your diet. Not only does having sufficient iron in your diet prevent you from becoming anemic, it can also be beneficial in strengthening components of your circulatory system which is a necessary step to consider when you are trying to combat bruises. When you are looking for foods that are high in iron, consider the dark, green colored vegetables. These can include spinach, broccoli, mustard greens, kale, and Swiss chard. Your body will take the iron from the vegetables, and this can be very helpful in keeping you healthy.

We also need to take some time and really examine what options we have when it comes to trying to help prevent bruising. We have to evaluate our own diet, and determine the effect that it can make on helping us to improve our opportunities to prevent bruising. - 17268

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