Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Helping Curb Autism Through Casein-Free Dieting

By Chris Channing

If you or someone you know has an autistic child, you are already familiar with the lack of treatment options currently available. There are some means of relieving the symptoms, but not all treatments show help for 100% of children. One method to try is to cut out gluten and casein from the child's diet to see if it helps.

Gluten is a protein that is found in many grains. As you can probably deduce, it would be extremely difficult to cut out every source of grain in one's diet. This reason accounts for the fact that there haven't been as many studies on the subject of cutting out casein and gluten from one's diet. If you can find a trusted health food store you will be at better odds in making the diet work.

Avoiding dairy products is a bit easier. Casein is a protein that is found in dairy products and is derived from milk. Non-dairy items can be created that still act and taste like the real thing, and most grocery stores will stock such items. You can still eat cheese, drink milk, and enjoy chocolate and other confections despite cutting out casein from a diet.

Gluten and casein are proteins and present in many foods, so why go through the trouble of removing them from a diet? Those who study the link claim that there may be a possibility that autistic children have a certain allergic reaction to the proteins. Oddly enough, the children may not even show signs of a food allergy, yet can still have benefit from initiating such a diet. It is still partly speculation, but worth trying nonetheless.

Testimonials from some parents conclude that the benefits of such diets have shown autistic children to be more social and productive than what they are on average. This is a good step in the right direction, as parents know that anything they can do to help their child is worth it. When you see the term GFCF diet, it is common to associate the diet with a treatment for autism symptoms.

Don't give up hope that you can help your autistic child get past the disability that he or she has encountered with autism. Autistic children have been known to make dramatic recoveries, and enjoy healthy lives just like everyone else. In addition to the advice your physician gives you, consider altering the child's diet to include the tips mentioned to see if it helps.

Closing Comments

You should consult a real physician or dietary official before implementing your own routine. You can easily conduct the wrong diet and accidentally cause harm to your child if you aren't careful. A medical professional will be able to better device a diet that is safe and beneficial. - 17268

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