Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Langhorne Personal Trainer Teaches About Oxygen Debt

By Jose Loni

Energy system work is how to lose belly fat fast. The main factor in losing fat fast is through the energy system. By training in an anaerobic manner and having a regular schedule of exercise, increasing exercise intensity and training with intervals, we can quickly lose belly fat.

When the body is training in a decreased oxygen level, the oxygen debt that results causes the muscles to increase its metabolic activity. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and lactic acid cause the muscles to require oxygen, so the body will increase its metabolic activity and bring oxygen to nourish and repair muscle tissue as well as clear away carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

The first thing to consider when wanting fast results is having a regular routine of exercise. By keeping to a regular consistent exercise routine, we will allow our body to always be trained and challenged to use its fat burning processes. The increased activity allows the body to increase its muscle activity and keep burning fat to fuel its physical activity.

The increased metabolic activity of the muscles demand more oxygen to go to the muscles to provide oxygen and repair any damage. This activity has a residual effect and will cause the body to keep burning fat and repairing the body, for several hours after exercise.

Increasing exercise intensity has really been very effective in creating this oxygen debt in the muscles. By monitoring your heart rate and training within your target heart rate zone, you will be better able to effectively increase your metabolism.

Interval training has been effective in really increasing the metabolism of the muscles. The short burst sets and the subsequent rest period force the muscles to increase its activity of bringing oxygen to the muscles and clearing the waste products and nourishing and repairing the muscles.

By increasing our physical activity, the body is forced to adapt by increasing its metabolic activity. The increased fat burning that occurs allows the body to become more efficient at breaking down belly fat and providing fuel for physical activity.

Through energy system work, we are better able to lose belly fat fast. The anaerobic training which is composed of a regular exercise schedule of activities that are higher intensity and incorporate interval training, have the fastest results in losing belly fat. - 17268

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