Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, June 12, 2009

Learn How To Tone Up Arms Without Breaking Your Back

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone up arms without having to exercise? The shocking answer is yes. The secret lies within effortless fat loss.

Effortless fat loss, allows you to freely eat without any direct external influence. In other words, it's a method of fat loss where you can eat as much as you want.

The trick for entering the effortless fat loss mode is to modify your style of eating. Once your style is modified, the arm fat will melt away like butter.

What's the best way to practice effortless fat loss? Well, let me show you 4 steps you can take to get started:

1. Eat on a set schedule. Most people eat whenever they can. They are opportunistic eaters. Only if they knew Women who eat on a set schedule ever day end up eating 100 fewer calories per day versus women who eat erratically.

2. Always have breakfast within 20 minutes of waking. I know you've heard this one before, so why aren't you doing it? Women who skip breakfast are twenty four percent more likely to become obese Skip breakfast and you will seriously mess up your hormonal profile for the rest of the day.

3. Eat lots of protein. Now by lots I don't mean Atkins style. About 30% of your calories should come from protein, not more. One study showed that doubling protein intake from 15% of calories to 30% of calories, caused people to eat 441 fewer calories on a daily basis.

4. Try to eat higher quality sources of protein. Borzoei et al. demonstrated that eating cod versus low quality beef produces an 11% reduction in caloric intake. What's so special about cod? It's clean, natural and low in saturated fat.

Achieving sexy arm stardom doesn't have to be a grueling and bloody journey. It's much easier than you think! And now you are 4 steps closer to winning the "tone up arms" war. As always, make sure to take action on this information today and not tomorrow. Because tomorrow usually never comes! - 17268

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