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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why do I Keep Hearing about Acai Juice?

By Frank Petrelli

Acai juice is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is made from juicing acai berries, which are purple berries only found in the rain forests of South America. The areas where they grow are usually swamps and floodplains. They grow on the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe palms. There are eight other species in the same family as the acai palm. You will find many acai palm trees in Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

The acai berry is green when young. A young acai berry can be light green but its color darkens and turns purple as the berry ages. The small berries grow on top of the acai palm trees in bunches, similar to grapes. While the fruit is tiny, its stone inside is large in comparison. The stone makes up about 80% of the acai fruit. Each berry contains only a small amount of the acai pulp which is the best part of the fruit.

Eating the acai berry can make you healthy. People native to the Amazon believe that the berry has miraculous power. They have recognized the nutritional and medicinal benefits of this fruit for centuries. People in Brazil and Peru would drink the acai juice made from pulping the fruit or they might just consume the acai pulp itself.

Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee, the little purple fruit has made its way outside of its native countries. The acai fruit has been a popular fruit among in Brazil and Peru but now it is also a hit in the US. In the US, however, there are no fresh acai berries, only acai juices. Since the acai palm trees do not grow in the US, drinking acai juice is the only option for people of the United States.

In the past, few companies manufactured acai juices but now that they know there is demand for them, few juice companies do not have products with the acai berry on their labels. Sambazon is one of the leading companies with a lot of popular acai juices and other products. You can buy Sambazon products in most grocery stores. MonaVie is another company whose acai juice has taken the market by storm. MonaVie is an MLM company and only sell their acai juice through their distributors.

Before you buy any acai juice or other acai berry products, make sure that you have done your research thoroughly. You should find out about the nutritional content of the acai berry as well as the nutrition facts of the acai juice you are interested in. Some juices are more nutritious than others. By doing research, you will be able to avoid falling for scams that seem to be common nowadays. - 17268

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