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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beneficial Uses of Green Tea

By Julian Alusi

It is surprising to know that the world is just awakening to realize the many health benefits of green tea. Although most of us may have had the opportunity to sip on the beverage in a Chinese restaurant or at a Japanese neighbors house not many of us outside the orient knew anything about the various health benefits of green tea up until recently.

This highly beneficial drink is made from the dried leaves of Camellia Sinesis, which is shrub found in different parts of Asia.

China has been utilizing the benefits of this wonder drink for over four thousand years according to records.

Green tea has been the subject of extensive scientific testing the results of which have proved the wisdom of the Chinese in making use of green tea for its health benefits.

The shrub is endowed with some very beneficial substances that give it the medicinal properties to help the body in various ways. The plant is potent with strong antioxidants which is the key to green teas popularity as a health remedy.

One of the predominant anti oxidants found in the drink is Epigallocatechin Gallate.

The occurance of a balanced quantity of antioxidants is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Plus they can help prevent serious cellular damage which leads to cancer.

The antioxidant found in green tea is at least twenty five times stronger and more useful than Vitamin C. When compared to Vitamin E, EGCG is far more effective in the preservation of the DNA structure as well as the protection that it offers to cells in the body.

The regular consumption of green tea can help treat many existing bodily disorders and can also act as a preventive measure against a variety of other diseases. HIV and cancer are amongst the deadly diseases against which green tea promises protection. At the same time the consumption of green tea is excellent for giving a boost to the immune system.

The list of diseases that green tea has the potential to treat includes diseases the likes of Alzheimers disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and even Parkinsons disease.

Green tea is also an effective promoter of weight loss. This is largely due to the fact that it helps to release more energy as the metabolic processes of the body are sped up with the consumption of the drink. This is why health care professionals recommend the use of green tea on a regular basis. - 17268

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