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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lack of Nutrients May Cause Hair Loss

By Andrew W John

When you lose your hair, most often it happens because of overabundance of testosterone in your organism - this beneficial male hormone has an ugly tendency to become dihydrotestosterone once it reaches hair follicles. Once created, DHT starts to limit the blood flow in the scalp and tighten skin around the follicles, effectively destroying hair. The good thing is that proper nutrition can stop this process before it really begins, or even turn back all the negative changes.

However, you may ask why some men don't lose their hair even though they surely have high level of testosterone in their blood. The answer is simple: because they have enough DHT blockers in their scalps to prevent it. How can one get enough DHT blockers? It's simple, too - all you need to do is to introduce them into your bloodstream through topical application and a proper diet.

Things That Prevent Hair Loss

Probably the most powerful nutritional supplement that may prevent hair loss is zinc. While it can't be taken in large amounts (too much zinc prevent the absorption of iron and may cause anemia), its role in keeping your hair safe is hard to overrate. Its main role is relaxing skin and muscles on your scalp, directly countering the influence of DHT.

Next, there is Vitamin H, a component of the B complex vitamin group. It helps hair growth and is directly responsible for their strength, as it is responsible for the fatty acid metabolism and fueling the growth speed of hair as well as the rate the damages are being repaired. The only problem is that most natural sources of Vitamin H (or biotin, as it is sometimes called) are also incredibly rich in fat.

Proteins are also necessary nutrients when it comes to counter negative effects of DHT. While they don't have any direct anti-DHT effect, they are the main construction material of hair. Without them, it would be impossible for hair to repair itself and increase its thickness. While the proteins hardly help in regrowing hair, they are crucial in preventing further hair loss. Properly nourished strands, either with some protein-rich diet or with right shampoo, it thickens hair strands, making them much more difficult to kill. However, the nutritional problems concerning it are also severe. If taken in excessive amounts, proteins can cause dehydration and increased fat intake. This can both dry hair and increase oil production in the scalp.

Another important compound that strengthens our hair is Vitamin A, also known as carotene or retinol. While you have probably heard about it is a perfect skin moisture regulator, retinol is also able to prevent a balding process from occurring or make it stop if it has already started. Sebum, if secreted in the right amount, can prevent the damages caused by DHT. Vitamin A can be found in many types of food, most notably in vegetables and fish oils. Overdosing is possible and may cause some serious health problems, but if only you keep the intake within reason, this is not very likely to happen.

Vitamin E is another helpful amino acid. As with Vitamin A, its effects are much wider than just helping hair. Vitamin E's main role is to stimulate blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin. By promoting blood circulation, it counters the negative effects of DHT and keeps the flow of nutrients into the hair on the scalp. It can be easily found in nuts, soybeans and many other food products. The only problem is that vitamin can't be used excessively. Everything over 400 IU a day may start rising your blood pressure!

Theoretically, a good diet should be enough to keep you from balding. Unfortunately, following such diet might be very difficult, especially that many of its ingredients may get dangerous if overdosed. That's why another solution is much more logical: using a nutritional supplement that would be specially devised to prevent balding. One of the best supplements in that category is a supplement part of the ProFollica system. The leading producer of hair-loss prevention products has also introduced the nutritional supplement to make sure that you will receive all necessary nutrients at the right amounts. Take a look and check out the details - it might be just something you are looking for. - 17268

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