Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 Muscle Building Tips With Revolving Your Diet Around Your Workout

By Ryse Edwards

When working out you must have a balanced diet to go along with a good workout plan. The way you eat is just as important as the way you workout when it comes to how much weight you lose, or how much muscle you build. If you are unfamiliar with how you should eat, this article will show you 4 easy things to remember about your diet.

1. High Calories

One of the things that you must know when it comes to working out is that you must have a high caloric intake if you wish to grow. Now, I'm sure are aware of the amount of protein that is needed in your daily diet, and if you are then you also need to be aware of your calories. Depending on what shape you're in now you need to take your bodyweight and multiply it by 10 and that's how many calories you should take in everyday.

2. Multiple meals

How much you eat everyday is always going to be important. However, there are people out there who think that you have to eat 3 meals a day of healthy foods. There are also people out there who believe not eating at all is a great way to lose weight. The healthiest and most efficient way to lose weight is by planning your meals and eating 6-7 small meals everyday.

3. Pre-workout meal

3. The one thing that is hard to remember is that you need to eat certain things before your workout and certain things after your workout. When you take in carbohydrates you will want to remember to take in slow burning carbs before your workout, so that you are able to train harder and longer. Slow burning carbs can be found in pasta or rice, so those may be something you want to eat right before you go workout.

4. Post-workout meal

Once you have completed your workout you are going to want to take in faster burning carbs and protein because your body is no longer training. Once you have completed your workout things like grilled chicken is a good source of protein which will help repair the microscopic muscle tears in your body faster.

The best thing for you to do is to seek out a nutritionist, so that they can put you on a healthy diet for your workouts. It is imperative for you to know that you must have a good diet to go along with a good workout as they go hand in hand. - 17268

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