Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 31, 2009

5 Negatives Of NES And Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Losing arm fat can be tough. And if you have night eating syndrome (NES) it will be that much tougher. What is night eating syndrome? It's when you have an excess of food late at night without restraint. Unfortunately, this leads to massive gains of arm fat.

And modern society has pushed women away from eating breakfast because of ever increasing workloads. Do you find it nearly impossible to eat breakfast in the morning?

And without the breakfast of a king, you're going to eat way too much once night time rolls around. Not a good scenario if you want to lose arm fat ASAP

To further prove my point, here are 5 reasons why arm fat is increased with night eating syndrome:

1. Too much muscle loss. Cortisol is at an all time high right when you wake up. And this hormone loves to eat muscle so that you can have energy. Unfortunately, skipping breakfast allows cortisol to keep on rising. And don't forget that less muscle will have you burning less calories.

2. Poor insulin functioning. Unfortunately, having very little food during the earlier part of the day will mess up your body's ability to interact with insulin efficiently. What does this mean? More nutrients going to arm fat cells

3. Negative attitudes. Without breakfast, you're more likely to have a poorer attitude during the day. Early morning nutrients do wonders for your brain and mood. Not only will you be more productive, but you'll be happier.

4. Unnecessary arm fat gain. Your body naturally shuts down as the day progresses. And when you're sleeping, your active tissues absorb calories at half their normal rate. So if you have a giant meal sitting in your stomach when you fall asleep, guess where it goes? To your arm fat cells!

5. Less movement. Altered insulin functioning caused by skipping breakfast will leave you with lower levels of energy for the rest of the day. And if your levels of energy are low, you'll want to stay seated and not move around. This translates into less calories (and arm fat) burned.

If you're serious about getting rid of arm fat, you have to start eating breakfast. And don't skip lunch either. Not only will you accelerate arm toning, but you'll also be in a much better mood during the day. So why not increase your quality of life and never skip breakfast again? - 17268

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