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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bodybuilding Tips, Lack of Sleep Is Not Good For Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are going to the gym everyday and working out then you know how much energy and focus it takes to do so. There are a lot of people out there who do not realize that sleep affects your bodybuilding.

However, when it comes to working out and trying to gain muscle mass, getting good nights rest is very important. Getting a good night's sleep, can help with many different aspects of your health and how your muscles grow is part of that. The worst thing for you to do is change your sleep schedule so you are sleeping at different times during the day.

This article will show you the various reasons why sleep is so important to your workout.

For starters, your body recovers and rebuilds muscle while you are asleep. This is the crucial time when other parts of your body are shut down and not consuming energy or internal resources that your body uses to repair damages from bodybuilding.

With that said you will need to make sure that you stay on a schedule for sleep so that you do not confuse the body, or else it can't heal the old and new muscle properly. If you do not give the body enough rest or enough time to heal then you will risk doing damage that can harm your health.

Another reason that sleep is so important for bodybuilding is that a lack of sleep can cause you to have a lack of focus and a lack of physical energy. A lack of mental focus can destroy your results while you're in the gym.

If you are big into working out, then you know it takes motivation to get in there on a daily basis and get a good workout. You have to be able to get in there and get yourself pumped up so that you can get a hard workout.

Lack of sleep can cause mood swings, where normally at that time of the day you are exciting and ready for a hard workout, now you're tired and unmotivated. Getting little to no sleep will make it so you get behind on other things you do, because you are moving and working slower. This means that some days you may not get to the gym, and that's how a decline starts. Once you take one day off, then you start making excuses for taking more days off.

This is as much of a mental game, as it is a physical one. You need to make sure that you get the proper amount of sleep so that chemical balances in your body are normal, providing you with a good rhythm.

Sleeping releases some hormones into your bloodstream that are essential for proper metabolism and muscle gain. At the same time, sleep also inhibits other hormones that can lead to fat gain and other unseemly consequences.

The primary thing you have to think about when it comes to sleep is making sure that you have consistency. Only sleeping for 4 hours one night, then trying to make up for it the next night with 12, is not the same thing as sleeping both nights at 8 hours.

So as you can see a good sleeping pattern is very important for bodybuilding. So set yourself up with a plan to sleep the same amount every night and do your best to stick with it, and you should see a significant increase in your workouts. - 17268

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