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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Evolution of Physical Fitness

By Jesse Regan

The primitive man would have laughed at the idea of you lifting weights or running stationary on a treadmill. Physical fitness as a distinct activity was unthinkable then and even in later times. Nevertheless, its existence nowadays cannot be attributed to anyones gifted mind for it just developed through time alongside mans effort to survive and prosper. The primitive man may snort at the thought but he contributed to it too unconsciously. Physical fitness evolved from the dawn of man and is still evolving even in this very day.

Early human activity would not require them to appropriate time for exercises to keep fit. To survive against the elements of nature and to feed themselves, men had to hunt using very backward instruments. This would entail applying every piece of muscle they have just to have meat for dinner. The women also worked heavily in agriculture. Their kids were also trained early in hunting and, later on, rudimentary agriculture. This definitely was not the time of chemical-based preservatives and bad cholesterol. The food was always fresh and, although they gorge on meat heavily, every piece of fat just melted away with the extreme physical labor they do.

To live comfortably by making production stable man began to develop elementary implements for agriculture. Soon, they stuck with planting food crops and hunting became what you would call a mans sport. Simple manufacturing took place centuries later followed by the advance of industrialization. Then, only in the previous century, automation gave industrialization greater strides. Today, you can get food by just dialing the phone or clicking the mouse. People of industrial countries have thrown away the idea of a muscled worker. Your image of a normal employee is the Homer Simpson or Dilbert stereotypes.

Todays typical food makes matters worse for someone who spends most of his time sitting inside an office. While it lacks the vital nutrients, it is usually rich in bad cholesterol, harmful preservatives and other inorganic ingredients. One can argue though that the primitive diet of raw meat might be just as loaded with fat as the average burger.

However, he would lose easily all the fat he had taken by just hunting for the next meal while fast food cholesterol just settles comfortably in you as watch television. Every modern household has, in fact, a fridge loaded with bad cholesterol, making it any fitness buffs forbidden zone.

Todays diet problem and physical inertia are the latest bases for the development of physical fitness as a necessary human activity. The importance of physical fitness is now being addressed by many workplaces to ensure the wellness of its employees. Training programs are being developed to that effect. These are also combined with other activities aimed at relieving them of mental stress. Physical fitness experts are introducing the latest techniques in achieving a fit and healthy body. You can just go to the nearest gym or surf the internet to get the help you need for this purpose. You can find some more of these valuable facts about fitness online. - 17268

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