Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do You Know These 5 Dieting Myths

By Cracky McMerlot

There are numerous dieting myths flying around the internet and in the magazines. Everybody seems to have a different opinion when it comes to losing weight and dieting. Many unhealthy diets are talented at disguising themselves as good for you. Here are only some dieting myths you should avoid:

1) Honey has fewer calories than sugar: many suggest that you can replace sugar with honey in your diet. While a spoon of sugar contains 15 calories a spoon of honey contains 65 calories. As you can see the reality is that honey contains much more calories than sugar. But it is also true that honey has much more sweetening power. This makes it so that you need far fewer honey to make your coffee taste sweet. In the end it seems that honey remains a good beneficial substitute for sugar but not because it contains fewer calories.

2)From all the meats you can eat fish is the less full of fat choice:it is wide spread the idea that the fattiest fish meat that you can consume contains fewer fats than any low fat meat. This just isn't true. For example tuna contains 13 grams of fats per 100 grams while 100 grams of turkey meat contains merely 3 grams of fats. You should still eat fish even if it is fattier and contains extra calories because the fats it contains are good beneficial fats. Fish contain omega 3 fats which help you prevent cardiovascular diseases.

3) The best source of iron is spinach: this dieting myth is as old as the world. We know it form out mothers and our mothers know it from their mothers. Spinach contains 90% water and only 4 mg of iron are found in 100 grams of spinach. Unfortunately spinach isn't the greatest source of iron. There are foods that contain much more iron. From 100 grams of parsley you will get 10 mg of iron and form 100 grams of liver you will get 15 mg of iron. And there are much extra foods that contain more iron than spinach does .

4) If you eat less food your tummy will get smaller in time:this dieting myth is as naive as untrue it is. You can starve yourself for 1 week and you won't get a smaller stomach. All you succeed in doing is starve your body which is always bad. Your stomach is a muscular and elastic container. Your stomach expands when your eat food and regains its initial size after the digestive process is over. Regardless of how much you starve yourself your stomach won't become smaller. But you will harm it because all that gastric acid will start eating your stomach and you will suffer form stomach problems in time. Plus hunger is very painful. So don't do it.

5) Butter has more calories than margarine:if you are on a diet you should avoid eating them both.But if you just have to gobble one of them you should know that both have about the same caloric value, 360 calories per 100 grams. What differentiates butter from margarine is the quality of the fats they contain. Margarine contains vegetable unsaturated fats which are unhealthy while butter contains only saturated good for your health fats. Your body has an easier time using the saturated fats, but if you like margarine you can eat it because they both contain about the same amount of calories. - 17268

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