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Monday, September 14, 2009

Growing Taller Might Actually Be Possible For Some Persons

By Fiona Wyresdle

Genetically it is not possible for anyone to grow taller than their bodies have been programmed to grow. However many people want to know how to grow taller as short people often suffer from insecurities regarding their height. There are Russian hospitals you can go to, to have your legs broken and stretched, but do we really need to go to those kinds of lengths? (pun intended)

Genetically, people can be very short, I know because I am a genetically short person. My father is only 5'5", my mother 5'4, and I am 4'11', same as my grandmother. My poor daughter is only 4'7", so she really takes flack, but fortunately is 6 foot tall personality wise. Nutrition can also play a role in your height as can your personality, posture and nutrition.

Forget about the genetic factor, nothing can be done scientifically at this stage, it cannot be altered or controlled, but who knows what may happen in the future. You obviously have to work on the factors which you can control, such as your physique, nutrition, posture, exercise and mental outlook.

The law of attraction dictates that we can have whatever we want as long as we believe it, feel it and behave as if it already belongs to us. So what's a few little inches of height? Its nothing with the help of positive thinking, and taking the necessary action to achieve it! Many adults have already done this and there are even documented accounts of people growing up to as much as 4 inches taller. There are a number of techniques, and stretching exercises which have to be done, but his is a small price to pay.

By stretching and exercising in the correct way you can grow in stature and feel healthier too. These exercises may be included in your normal day to day routine, with barely a disruption. They can be done in the shower, when sitting in front of the television, or when relaxing in your garden. You don't need a special room or any special facilities either.

What you do need is a strong commitment that you will achieve what you want to achieve. Any kind of endeavor without commitment and a positive attitude is a waste of time. It does not matter what you do, the results you get are directly proportionate to the amount of effort you are prepared to make.

Follow and instructions you are given and stick to them, if an exercise has been designed to make you taller, it won't make you taller if you don't do it correctly. Growing taller is like growing muscle, it doesn't happen without regular exercise, discipline and solid commitment. - 17268

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