Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Muscle Building Diets - What to Eat to Gain Muscles Fast

By Chris Tan

Many bodybuilders reach a plateau at the beginning where further growth ends. It is at this stage that many give up. However, for those who persist in their quest, success is generally swift. Just as our bodies require proper nutrition, so do our muscles. Listed below is a quick tip diet to help you get started on your way to building muscle mass.

Often times, people do not fully understand the level of commitment it requires to grow muscle mass quickly. Listed below is a detailed example of a diet plan you should implement on a muscle building day. Let's start with the morning.

Upon waking, your body requires food rich in nutrients. A combination of three eggs without the yolks and a full glass of milk is a great start, followed by cereal with milk. This meal is high in protein and carbohydrates. The protein provides the building blocks for your muscles while the carbohydrates provide your body with the energy it needs to sustain a good workout. Eggs coincidently are a natural source of protein.

In the morning before your workout, take a fast acting protein shake blended with yogurt and some fruit juice. This is an example of a pre workout drink. This drink provides you with sufficient protein to sustain your muscles during your workout. Also, you will need some carbohydrates to keep your energy levels high and to improve your body's absorption of protein.

After your workout, the body needs fuel. A meal of 4 pieces of bread, 3 egg whites and a protein shake is the best. The protein helps your muscles recover while promoting growth. The carbohydrates help keep your insulin levels high and white bread is easily digested. Without sufficient protein, your muscles will not grow.

During the mid afternoon, take a chicken breast or a piece of salmon. Remember to eat them steamed. Food can lose its nutritional values when you fry them! There are many recipes available online that tell you how to cook them to taste good without the harmful stuff.

We are now at the second to the last meal. This meal should be eaten at around 4 pm and should consist of oatmeal and 3 egg whites. Oatmeal is a great source for carbohydrates without all the bad fat. However, don't fall victim to those tasty, sugar added oatmeals. If you do, you'll ruin your entire days success.

Lastly, take your last meal between 7-9pm. After 9, you should try to keep off food. During this time of the day, you will need less energy as you'll be sleeping. While sleeping, little calories are burnt and the remainder gets stored as fats. Take a protein supplement like a slow acting protein shake for this meal. The purpose is to ensure that your body has a constant source of protein even as you are sleeping. This will aid your muscle recovery plan!

As you can see, muscle building is not only about your workout. Your diet requires the highest levels of commitment in order to give you those lean muscle masses that you've always wanted in a short time! - 17268

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