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Friday, September 4, 2009

Optimize Your Hair Growth

By Archie Benfeldt

There are all kinds of home remedies which have been used over the years to create a full head of hair. Starting with your diet is a good way to utilize nature. Since hair is made mostly of protein it makes sense that foods rich in this nutrient should be eaten on a daily basis.

Some foods that are high in protein are nuts, fish, and dairy products. Gelatin, which is actually an animal product, is also a great source of protein for the hair. Eating gelatin every day can bring a big boost of protein to your diet. Were you aware of the fact that Gummy Bears are actually made of gelatin?

When you get a sweet tooth and need something to chew on why don't you try a Gummy product. It is a sweet way to get your protein. Eating cold water fish is also a fantastic way to increase your protein intake. They also contain high levels of omega-3 fats which are known to help in the manufacture of nails and hair.

Don't forget to take your vitamins. Mom was right when she said you needed your vitamins every day. You should take a good multi and be sure it contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin B7 also known as Biotin. All these vitamins are necessary for good hair growth.

You can get good levels of Vitamin A by eating foods rich in Beta-carotene. One food high in Vitamin A levels is liver but it is not a favorite of most people. You can also get good values of beta-carotene from carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and kale.

Another very easy method to help grow hair fast naturally is to limit the amount of stress in your life. Stress has been shown to decrease hair growth and can even cause massive hair loss in extreme cases. You should try to limit stressful situations whenever possible but sometimes things happen that are out of your control.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation is important that you deal with it in a healthy way. I used to be stressed out a lot until I had the realization that most problems weren't as big as I made them appear. Whenever your stress levels start to get higher, stop for a minute and breath deeply. Then ask yourself if this really is a problem you are willing to lose your hair over.

I have found that the things I used to worry about in reality were not very important in the big scheme of things. I also realized that projecting about how things might turn out bad was a waste of time. The vast majority of these concerns never came to fruition and if they did they weren't near as bad as I had thought they would be.

Learning how to deal with stress was one of the most important factors in my life. I no longer am literally pulling my hair out. Two other important factors for healthy hair are diet and exercise. Daily aerobic exercise will increase the blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulate the transfer of nutrients. - 17268

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