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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnancy and Food Safety

By Jayde Johanssen

Pregnancy is an extremely special time of a woman's life. It's filled with changes and new experiences. Your body is charged with hormones and there's new life developing inside you. Given all the transformations that are taking place, the subject of what to eat, and also what not to eat get's a whole new meaning.

The topic of food seems to become first and foremost in the lives of pregnant women. Unfortunately, it can end up being a very sticky subject. The various hype surrounding what is a proper diet may actually be quite confusing. The information out there is steeped in myth and false facts. Fortunately, though, according to experts, one's diet need not change drastically; it's simply a matter of choosing wisely.

When it comes down to it, according to doctors and nutritionists, it's best to take a healthy approach. Choose wisely. While this may seem like very common knowledge, getting down into the precise points of what you can and can't eat, it does get very perplexing. Often the matter is made too complicated.

Things only get worse once family and friends chime in; eager to offer their own experience and their own anecdotes, they tend to offer less insight and more gossip than any good factual information. Even the stranger in the bus sitting next to you, or the clerk at the grocery store will chime in and offer their own bits of wisdom which can be all the more disconcerting. Facts get mixed up with stories and anecdotal evidence.

It worsen matters that each and every day scientific and not so scientific journals are spouting out new opinion pieces and studies that certain foods are actually bad for pregnant women, a claim which is then duly refuted by the next day's news. The onslaught of new information ends up confusing women rather than helping them out.

At the end of the day, all this extra information is too hard to digest. It complicates matters rather than providing enlightenment.

However, despite all the hullaballoo, when it comes down to what you should and shouldn't eat when you're with child, there are some simple basics you should keep in mind. Think smart, eat smart. Don't go overboard. Stick to a healthy diet.

There are some general guidelines you should keep in mind when pregnant. Most of these actually apply to every day situations, whether you are or aren't pregnant.

Always wash fruits and vegetables before you eat them. This includes produce with thicker rinds, such as watermelon; bacteria can be transferred from the rind to the flesh when you cut into it.

Always cook food carefully. This rule applies especially to poultry, meats and eggs. Play it safe and go for well done.

When handling meat and poultry products, don't forget to wash your hands.

Try not to eat junk food all the time. It's better to eat high fat food in moderation, despite the odd cravings.

Be wary of seafood. Certain fatty fish like shark and tile-fish contain dangerous amounts of mercury.

Canned and shell fish are safer options.

The consumption of alcohol should be avoided. - 17268

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