Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Top 10 Foods For Tasty Fat-Loss - Washington, DC Personal Trainer Tells All

By Josef Brandenburg

Changing ones dietary habits is not as easy as it may sound particularly if you feel like it's the end of your relationship with you favorite dishes. Enthusiasm tends to fizzle out when you realize that weight loss requires changing the way you eat entirely. While the words "diet plan" tend to be associated with the end to all things delicious, a good trainer from Washington, DC can still show you how to include at least ten savory meals in your diet plan, therefore you'll lose weight and enjoy your food at the same time.

1. Grass-Fed Beef. There are always exceptions to the rule. While most fitness trainers emphasize that beef should be avoided to due to its high saturated fat content, I will lure you into it. Beef kinds come in different shapes and sizes and the best thing about it is that grass-fed beef is good for the health!

I am sure that I now have your attention so, let us look at the reasons that make this kind of beef healthy for consumption. Your personal trainer at Washington DC says that since this grass fed beef is full omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and fat burning CLA, it is safe and healthy for consumption. This beef also has relatively very low levels of saturated fat in it.

It is general knowledge that cows are herbivores that consume grass alone but for our selfish gains, people began to feed them corn and soy. They require antibiotic shots on a daily basis because they are more vulnerable to bacterial infections thanks to this force feeding. This is done to make them gain more body weight in lesser time. But feeding them corn actually makes them less healthy because it increases the level of saturated fat in their body.

Reliable grass-fed beef is available exclusively at a farmers market.

2. Turkey bacon. Who says you cant have bacon? Your Washington, DC personal trainer considers the turkey bacon as one the best ingeniously created foods for the health-conscious! It may not be as tasty as the hailed, but it sure can leave your mouth watering for it. Its tasty, protein-rich and low in calories! Eat it with your favorite veggies if you start to feel guilty about putting it in your mouth!

3. Shrimp. Lets give our menu some variation --- lets talk seafood! Shrimps lean meat are packed with Vitamin D (for stronger bones), B12 (for energy) and selenium (an anti-oxidant), and are impressively low in calories and fat! Weight watchers and heart patients alike will love shrimps! Cook these seafarers in two minutes or less and you're ready for a healthy eating.

4. Farm-fresh eggs. Similar to beef, farm eggs come from chickens that are bread in a controlled environment. They come from chicken that are limited to eating pastures. These eggs are different from the regular eggs in terms of color and nutritional value. You can get them at a farmers market. These eggs are rich in Vitamin A and E and are low in cholesterol and saturated fat and also contain omega-3 in them.

5. Berries. More like treats than fruits! Your Washington, DC personal trainer recommends berries as good sources of flavonoids (anti-cancer), phytochemicals, vitamin C, potassium, folate and some calcium. Theres more to them than just their enticing shapes and colors since they are low in calories, and yes, even sugar.

6. Cauliflower. Veggies like cauliflower are very useful for liver functioning because they are packed with compounds that enable the liver to neutralize potentially toxic substances namely - glucosinolate and thiocyanate. It also contains indole-3-carbinol which is a phtonutrient that controls bad cholesterol levels in the body by restricting the secretion of an LDL-carrier that transfers them to tissues in our body.

7. Spinach. This healthy green leafy vegetable is a rich source of beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, lutein, iron and magnesium and is also popular as an anti cancer agent. Lutein is good for eye sight and magnesium helps lower blood pressure. This fat free low calorie vegetable is recommended by your personal fitness trainer at Washington, DC.

8. Metabolic Drive. Metabolic Drive is a protein powder to be mixed with water or skim milk to make a protein shake. These shakes are a great source of protein and they provide you with a lot of energy. They taste so good that you wont even realize that you are drinking a health drink that is low in carbohydrates.

9 & 10. Tamari Almond and Sugar-free chocolate. Everybody deserves a healthy treat! Almonds may be too bland for most peoples liking, but not tamari almonds! These contain vitamin B3, manganese, protein and tryptophan (an essential in building serotonin--- a hormone that helps us sleep soundly and achieve a stable mood). Sugar-free chocolates completely redefine what chocolates should be--- cocoa-rich and less sugar-y! Cocoa beans are rich in anti-oxidants, flavonoids and good (essential) cholesterol.

You should be open to trying the above mentioned healthy foods that not only taste great but will also help you get fit. Your fitness trainer from Washington, DC can make this journey smooth and successful. - 17268

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