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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why You Need To Take Magnesium Supplements.

By Neil Butterfield

With today's hectic lifestyle we are busier than ever; much too busy to cook. We eat on the run and usually eat over processed foods with little nutritional value. Then to lose the extra pounds, we go the newest fad diet. Can you remember the last time you even saw a garden picked vegetable that didn't come from a supermarket? This problem with our diet is why now more than ever you need magnesium and other mineral supplements.

75% of Americans already take mineral supplements to get the recommended amounts of minerals like calcium, chromium, selenium, and magnesium. However, if you are taking a pill or powder supplement you're absorbing less than 25% of the minerals it contains. In order to get all the minerals you're paying for, a liquid mineral supplement is what you need. Liquid Ionic magnesium gives you almost 100% absorption.

People with diabetes, heart disease or hypothyroidism have much lower levels of magnesium, as well as very low levels of chromium, zinc, calcium, and other minerals. Over the last 25 years the amounts of magnesium in people's systems have dropped, while the occurrences of these diseases are on the rise.

This brings up the question of which came first? Are people with these diseases lacking magnesium because of the disease, or was it the lack of magnesium that brought on the disease? Experts agree; it's a lack of magnesium that brings on these, and other, diseases.

A lack of magnesium can cause fatigue, migraines, leg cramps, depression, and loss of appetite, high blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.

90% of all Americans who take magnesium supplements still don't get their RDA of magnesium. When a mineral is this important, that's very disturbing. Why such a high number? That's because most supplements are made up of the wrong kind of magnesium.

Mixed nuts, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains are great sources of magnesium. However, even if you eat all these foods, it is still difficult to get 400 mg a day for men, 320 mg a day for women. To get these recommended daily allowances a magnesium supplement is still necessary.

If you have renal failure you should not take a magnesium supplement until you have talked to your doctor.

Magnesium helps keep your bones strong your heart healthy, helps the absorption of calcium and potassium, and even helps those with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

80% of all those with type 2 diabetes are deficient in magnesium. Individuals that have high blood pressure, have had a heart attack, suffer from coronary heart disease are almost always deficient in magnesium. Did you know that magnesium can lower cholesterol more than 20%? If you are pregnant or you are going through menopause you risk of osteoporosis goes up because of a lack of magnesium.

You can quickly begin to realize why you should be taking a liquid magnesium supplement as well as other minerals. You can no longer rely on the food you eat to provide you with the nutrients you need to stay healthy. - 17268

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