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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lose that Baby Weight in 5 Simple Steps

By Patsie Adams

To lose weight after baby... takes time and effort, but it IS possible. Don't feel too disheartened if right after giving birth, your stomach still looks pregnant. Read on, and we'll give you the best advice for losing weight post-pregnancy.

First, be realistic. Your body went through a major upheaval carrying your baby for 9 months or so. Do not expect it to snap back into shape instantly. It is especially crucial to lose weight gradually after giving birth.

It's important to note that your body is still recovering. Immediately after birth is not the time for diet gimmicks, pills or quick weight loss programs. Suddenly jumping back into heavy exercise is not a good idea either. Consider these things well - for the sake of your health and your baby's health.

Still, there are steps you can take to lose weight post-pregnancy. Here are our 5 sure ways to get back in shape post-pregnancy:

1. Breast feed. Not only does it help shrink your uterus and tummy back into shape, breast feeding alone burns up to about 500 calories a day. Breast feeding is not just about providing the most perfect food for your little one, it is also one of the best ways for you to burn calories. To make breast milk requires burning your fat stores!

2. Eat well. Avoid the usual high fat, high sugar and high sodium foods. These foods are not only high calorie - they are low in nutrition. Opt to eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, fiber rich food and a good amount of lean protein to keep you strong and healthy enough to care for your baby - not to mention trim down those extra inches.

3. Drink lots of water. It is especially crucial to keep hydrated if you are breast feeding. Plenty of fluids are necessary to cleanse our system and keep our digestion going at a good pace. Regular bathroom habits mean a slimmer mid-section and is great for post-pregnancy weight loss!

4. Ease back into exercise. Any mom should also take some time off from baby-duty. We all need to take care of ourselves so we can take good care of our babies! A great way to spend mommy-time is by doing some light to moderate exercise. This could be a daily walk, a cardio class in the gym or a dance lessons you enjoy. Do check with your doctor first to see if you have the go-signal to start doing any form of exercise post-pregnacy.

5. Bond with your baby. You can lose some baby weight by taking that baby to bonding sessions that get you moving. Walk baby in the park. Take mommy and me exercise classes. Get a jogging stroller and push baby for a spin. Bond and burn!

Post-pregnancy weight loss should not be just a pipe dream. Having the baby is no excuse for you to think you cant fit into your old clothes again. Many other women have done it. So can you!

Just remember: it takes some time and effort. Be disciplined with your food and stick to your exercise schedule. Follow our top 5 tips! Yes, you CAN get back into shape post-pregnancy! - 17268

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