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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

5 HTP Supplement

By Thomas Maan

Can't sleep? Tired, listless and already depressed? Do you suffer from panic and anxiety attacks? 5HTP may just be the thing for you. 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5HTP can help you solve these problems. Recent studies have shown how 5HTP can help make you sleep better, be more relaxed and have a lighter, healthier mood. 5HTP can also induce weight loss and treat your migraines.

5HTP is a precursor to serotonin. Meaning that as it enters our body, particularly our brain, it is converted into serotonin. Now, our bodies need serotonin to function at its best. When one has low levels of serotonin, the usual problems with depression, sleep and other functions crop up. This is because serotonin works on that area of the brain that controls the way we eat, sleep and feel.

So 5HTP can help with some health problems that have hounded a lot of people since time immemorial. With the help of 5HTP, migraines occur less frequently, or are less intense, shorter, or are totally eradicated. Also, if you have trouble sleeping, you will experience relief as 5HTP promotes better sleep quality. It shortens the time needed for you to fall asleep, lengthens the period by which you stay asleep and improves the level of sleep you have (the kind that they call "deep sleep").

5HTP also positively impacts those who are suffering from fibromyalgia. This is manifested by irritable bowel syndrome, a heightened sensitivity to your hearing, sense of smell, touch and sight. 5HTP gives you relief from these symptoms. And for those who are struggling with food cravings, particularly sugar-laden ones, you can find 5HTP an effective support to ensure that you put a stop to your desire to take a big bite of that chocolate cake. The supplement provides you with a feeling a fullness so that you only eat what you need and in the long run, you can lose weight.

Aside from these, 5HTP may help with depression as it is able to chemically cheer you up. The presence of serotonin in the brain is able to improve your mood and disposition. - 17268

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Blogger David said...

By reading this blog individuals get to know that ,now a days supplement market introduced many supplement products for different tasks for example 5HTP for sleep better, be more relaxed and have a lighter, healthier mood. If someone is in body building then they can use supplements Ostarine, Cardarine, Ligandrol, Nutrobal or Stenabolic supplements which are good for health.

January 3, 2019 at 2:12 AM  

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