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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Acai Berry Success Stories: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

Like with most weight loss methods, acai berry success stories are a dime a dozen: you?ve most likely heard more than a few incredible tales of people losing a pound a day and dropping five pants sizes in a week and so on and so forth. And if you?re like most people, you?ll probably take these stories with a grain of salt, and you?d be wise to do so. To be able to separate the grain from the chaff, so to speak, of these stories, you have to truly understand what acai berry does for you and your body.

The most important thing you should know is that, no matter what the ?experts? tell you, acai berry supplements alone will not make you lose weight. Behind every single one of those true acai berry success stories you?ve heard there lies a healthy diet, extensive exercise, or a diet made up exclusively of acai berry supplements. The first two are the true secrets to success with the acai berry; the third, not so much?

Think of acai berry as a turbocharger for your weight loss program. A turbocharger makes a car go faster, but alone it won't do anything. In order for the turbocharger to work, you have to attach it to a well-built engine. That engine is the core of your weight loss program. It consists of a healthy diet, exercise and plenty of rest. When you add acai berry to that kind of a program, that is when you're going to see the real benefits and that is when you will be able to write your own acai berry success stories.

What acai berry success stories often mention is the fact that you can get a lot of health advantages from it. One important benefit that you get is the presence of essential fatty acids in acai. These are vital compounds that the body alone cannot produce and one can only get from dietary intake. The berry also contains fiber that promotes a healthy digestive system. Protein is another essential component which can burn fat and help produce lean muscle. While these nutrients can aid in promoting loss of excess weight, none of them can single-handedly do it. They instead act as a catalyst that can make your weight loss program more effective.

Once you understand what these supplements actually do, you can see why people have had so much success with them. While you certainly cannot expect to pop a few pills and suddenly lose weight, you can add a healthy boost to your diet or weight loss program by adding supplements to your regime. The real acai berry success stories are the ones that tell you honestly that diet and exercise were the key and that the supplement was just a way to take it to the next level. - 17268

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