Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, October 12, 2009

Washington, DC Personal Trainer Lets You In On The Facts About Core Training

By Josef Brandenburg

Everyday millions of people pack themselves into Pilates classes or simply lie down on the living room floor to exercise their core. The core muscles include the abdominals and surrounding muscles that are often trained by doing basic sit-ups or crunches. These exercises are some of the most popular in the world today. In fact, there are many people who don't do anything other than train their core. Why? The answer is simple: they want to obtain that elusive six-pack. They want rock hard abs like the Spartan warriors in the movie 300.

Ever wonder why sit-ups and crunches never seem to get you anywhere in regards to that six-pack you have always wanted? According to a Washington D.C. fitness trainer, doing crunches and sit-ups alone really yields no results in the sculpting department. Of course that's not something all trainers will tell you. They in fact, will continue to push the sit-up and crunch angle to their clients in order to have them keep dreaming of that flat, sexy tummy, all the while knowing the results will be minimal to none. This helps to ensure that the personal trainer continues to get paid by the clients.

Why doing crunches seem to be getting you nowhere in the shrinking tummy department

Let's forget about the six-pack for a moment because, as we mentioned, most people will never have one. It takes years of training, a perfect diet as well as (and this is the thing they never tell you) great genes. Why don't we simply concentrate on getting that fat stomach flat?

The biggest waste of time when working out at the gym or at home, thinking you will lose the pounds and inches, is only core training. The midsection or abdominal region seems to collect fat quicker than any other part of the body, especially in men. This seems to be evident in the amount of men sporting the beer belly look and their determination in getting rid of that "spare tire". They are so desperate to get rid of their ever growing abdomen that they work out only on those muscles without realizing that it is really doing nothing but making them work extra hard and seeing no results.

Core training alone will not help you get the flat stomach or elusive six-pack you desire. Our stomachs come with built in muscles, but with the layer of fat on top of them, no one will ever see them. Though core training does have some benefits, like making the muscles slightly stronger, the exercises really have no benefit in achieving your goals. These milestones can only be reached with getting rid of that stubborn layer of fat.

We are talking of course about targeted weight loss here, which is one of the biggest myths in the exercise industry. There is no such thing as targeted weight loss. There is no such thing as working out one specific area of the body and losing weight just from that area. The body doesn't work like that. When you lose weight, you lose weight from everywhere.

Cardiovascular workouts have been proven to be the most effective in burning fat and helping you lose weight. More calories are burned doing things like running, biking, swimming, walking, jumping rope or anything that gets your heart beat up. Burning calories is what gets rid of fat so the goal is to get rid of as many calories as one can!

The truth about core training is that it can also damage the neck and spine if the exercises are not perfectly performed, and we all know when we start to get tired our form is the first thing to suffer. If you have preexisting back or neck problems, you should not attempt to do core work, it will often aggravate your condition.

The best away to achieve a flat, healthy stomach is to do all around exercising and not concentrate solely on the core section. Cardio is an excellent way to burn calories and help get rid of the extra fat you may be carrying around in that area. So stop wasting your time chasing after the unattainable and work on being a healthier person. - 17268

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