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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Benefits Of Liquid Calcium.

By Neil Butterfield

Together, calcium and magnesium make an unbeatable pair that improves your health in many ways. Calcium, of course, you've heard of, but without magnesium, calcium cannot do the job it's meant to do. Liquid calcium is better than pill forms of calcium, and it's time you knew why.

For years, many have been trying to convince us that pills and tablets of calcium are highly absorbed, when actually they are 25% or less absorbable. And thats the difference between tablets and liquid calcium which is almost 100% available to be absorbed, because it is water soluble.

Foods that are rich in protein, like meat, actually cause calcium to be lost through our urine. Since calcium is slow to absorb from foods and pill forms of calcium, many people are lacking in calcium when they think they are actually getting enough. Liquid Ionic calcium is water soluble so it is absorbed right away. This ensures you are getting the dose you were promised.

If you think you don't need a liquid calcium magnesium supplement you are mistaken. Even with proper diet and low meats, it's still impossible to get all the calcium you need just from food. In fact, getting enough calcium can solve all sorts of problems.

Liquid calcium magnesium helps with heartburn, indigestion, and constipation. It's actually good for your digestive system overall, and the best time to take it is after you eat.

Other things calcium is good for includes; blood clotting, regulating nerve impulses, stimulating contractions during labor and producing milk.

Mild calcium deficiencies over time will lead to osteoporosis as we get older and in a child, it can lead to rickets. Another condition is called osteomalacia which is the softening of bony tissue.

Colon cancer and High blood pressure have been linked by recent studies to a lack of calcium.

Symptoms of being low on calcium include: tingling of the fingertips and around the mouth, muscle spasms, numbness and painful aches.

If you have trouble losing weight, this could also be due to lack of calcium. When you are not getting enough calcium your body thinks it's starving. This causes it to go into emergency mode and hold on as tight as it can to those extra pounds.

Calcium also does a great job of protecting the heart. When you are calcium deficient your body releases calcitriol which is a hormone that constricts your arteries causing high blood pressure. Calcium also plays an important role in your nervous system.

For sufferers of PMS, that irritability, cramps and depression you experience every month might actually be from lack of calcium. Calcium helps regulate your hormones and can improve your health during this rough time.

You're getting five times the amount of protection from liquid calcium than youd get from pills for diseases like colon cancer and polyps.

Since taking calcium won't hurt you, and taking too little definitely will; starting to take a liquid calcium supplement now is the best way to protect your health for the future. After all, you're probably calcium deficient and don't even know it. - 17268

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