Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 8, 2009

BMR And Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Increasing your BMR is the most sustainable way to ensure continual fat loss. Why? Because your BMR dictates how many calories you burn around the clock, even while sleeping.

Unfortunately, you've probably been fed a bunch of lies when it comes to BMR and how to raise it. Extract X, for instance, will not significantly raise your BMR no matter what the infomercial says.

So without further ado, here are some things that really affect BMR and fat loss:

1. Age. As you age, BMR goes down. Why? Because you lose muscle mass. What's the best way to prevent this? With resistance training. A solid resistance training program will do wonders for your BMR in additional to your hormonal profile.

2. Body composition. The more lean tissue the more calories you'll burn around the clock. Again, building lean tissue will keep that BMR full blast. And if you feed the mitochondria in your lean tissue the right nutrients, you'll burn even more calories.

3. A high fever. A strong fever will also raise your BMR. Does this mean you should try to get sick? Absolutely not! But it doesn't hurt to know the facts.

4. Catabolic hormones. In the short run, stress hormones will cause your BMR to go up. But caution is warranted here because over the long run, said hormones will actually lower your BMR. Why? Because of lean tissue loss.

5. Temperature. If you have to adjust to cold temperatures your BMR goes up. If you have to adjust to hot temperatures your BMR also goes up.

6. Caloric drops. If you fast or starve, your BMR will drop very fast. Probably a lot faster than you think. In order to reduce the damage from dieting, you should only slightly restrict calories and never skip meals.

Learning how to master your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to ensure long term fat loss success. Most women can see initial fat loss with minor changes, but if you want long term changes, you have to increase your BMR. - 17268

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