Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 23, 2009

More Texas Residents are Opting for Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula

By Amelia Handley

Texas is famous for being the 2nd largest state in the nation. People generalize Texas as a place that is bigger than life. We've all heard the saying, "Everything's bigger in Texas." Unfortunately, not everything should be bigger. As a nation we have a severe issue with obesity and Texas has definitely not escaped unscathed. Texas can currently claim a 24% obesity rate (that's 3rd in the nation with only Mississippi and West Virginia out-ranking them).

Such a high ranking has led a large number of Texas residents to turn to the Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula offered by HCG Diet Direct. Texans are one of their main consumer groups. This is a positive move in the fight against obesity since the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula offers the best results in the dieting industry (up to 1 to 2 pounds weight loss per day). The only weight loss methods that can regularly top its results are surgical.

The HCG program is typically undergone for a short period (25 to 40 days). The dieting program is followed by a short maintenance period during which the number of approved foods expands and the number of daily calories increases preparing dieters to slowly adjust back into their day to day life without immediately adopting the bad eating habits that were prevalent pre-program.

Since Texas ranks so high among the states of the nation it really isn't a big surprise that Texans are becoming a large consumer group all their own when it comes to homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. The formula includes HCG: a natural element that is reintroduced into the body resulting in an adjustment of the way the body treats fat cells to a more healthy ability to absorb empty fat cells. It also stimulates the hypothalamus which interacts with the eating/drinking portions of the brain and creates an opportunity for dieters to eat less without feeling so deprived.

Most people who are trying to lose weight find that as soon as they drop the pounds and go off their diet they get all their weight right back. This is because of all the empty fat cells laying around just waiting for a slip up. As soon as they pick up their bad habits again or relax regarding their portion sizes...the empty fat cells are very quickly not empty any more!

So the Texans are getting it right! They are looking at the issue...and they are reaching for the most logical solution. There's something so Southern about getting right to the bottom of the issue as soon as you realize it's out of control. We should all take a look and see if we can't do the same. - 17268

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