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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Working Out Muscles with Resistance Bands

By Jesse Regan

A resistance band workout does not need any other equipment other than the band itself but it is still quite effective. In fact, fitness experts who developed the P90X workout program found it necessary to include it in the list of routines to be done in 90 days. This has become a major element in the popular fitness program, proving to many that conditioning the muscles even without the use of free weights. For those who are recuperating from injuries affecting he muscles, this has been also used in therapeutic sessions. It is convenient and since the resistance band is lightweight and compact, one can take his workouts outside the house.

What makes it unique from other routines is the resistance band. It has some movements common to many cardio exercises but using the resistance band requires more force from you. The band is made of a flexible rubber tubing that has handles made of plastic at the ends. It is the band's elasticity that gives resistance to your muscle movements. If you like to raise the resistance, you can just adjust the distance between the handles to suit your wants. Hence, you can actually use the resistance band according to your capability.

One common exercise using the resistance band is the bicep curls. In correctly executing it, the user holds each of the handles with both hands and palms out. He then steps on the resistance band's mid-length, ensuring that both handles have the same distance from the floor and the same pulling pressure. To maintain his balance he may bend his knees slightly and part his legs wider to provide more tension to the band. He then pulls up each handle with a bicep curl.

If you belong to the fairer gender, you will find the butt blaster a great exercise using your resistance band. First, you have to be on your knees and hands. Hold each of the handles tightly and wrap the mid-length of the resistance band on one foot, making certain that the band's length spanning between the knees and hands are proportioned. You can then flex the leg, which has the foot wrapped with the band and fold it again. Doing it with enough repetitions can be good for your gluteal muscles.

Lifting free weights can be more tedious but it focuses only on the major muscles, usually, in the arms. On the other hand, resistance band workouts more muscle groups. As a routine in the P90X program, it works out even the minor sets of muscles are given attention and, therefore, have its own time for exercise, which results into a balanced toning of the muscles.

Injuries caused by using a resistance band have been very seldom, if not unheard of. This is because the pressure applied on one's muscles is basically within his own control. However, it is beginners are advised to start first with a few repetitions and in less frequency in a week. He should be able to notice soon his developments and would be ready to increase the repetitions after a few weeks of the workout.

Anyone can enjoy significant information about P90x workout online. - 17268

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