Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Quick Guide To Body Fat Testing

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Whenever you start a fat loss program, you should have some way of measuring your progress. Unfortunately, most people simply look at the scale and end up extremely unmotivated.

What is the big deal with weight scales? They do NOT take into account all the positive variables that can change while weight stays the same or even increases. So if you are serious about staying on track please do not use a weight scale as the end all be all to your success.

And not all body fat tests are created equal.

So here is a quick summary of the different methods for measuring levels of fat:

1. The pinchers. Do you remember seeing a trainer at your gym pinch a client with a plier-like contraption? Well, he was measuring the thickness of the clients skin in order to estimate levels of body fat. This type of method is extremely easy to do and very inexpensive. The only drawback is that it can be somewhat inaccurate and you need a seasoned pro to take your measurements.

2. Hydrostatic testing. Fat and lean tissues have different densities. And this test measures the density of your body to determine how much fast and muscle you have. Unfortunately, the preparation and the number of variables involved that can go wrong make this method not so attractive to the average person.

3. Conductivity. You have seen the machines that perform this test all over the place. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. They send an electrical current through your body to determine just how much body fat you are holding. Unfortunately, they are extremely inaccurate.

4. X-rays. There are machines that send weak x-rays through the body to determine the ratio of fat to lean mass. Of all the methods mentioned thus far, this one is probably the best in terms of accuracy and preparation. The only issue here is cost?

Of the methods described in this article, I would recommend staying away from electrical tests, they are simply too inaccurate. Other than that, the main factor affecting accuracy will be the skill of the technician performing the measurements. So use the same reliable person over and over again. - 17268

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