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Sunday, November 8, 2009

HCG Makes the VLCD or Very Low Calorie Diet Possible

By Amelia Handley

There's nothing quite as terrifying to a chronic dieter as the mention of a VLCD or very low calorie diet. No one throws the possibility of jumping on a severely limited caloric intake around lightly. But some "in the know" dieters are no longer scared of the VLCD (or very low calorie diet) method.

The VLCD or very low calorie diet is tough, but it's not impossible (or terrifying) if you have the right tools at your disposal. One necessary tool that makes the VLCD or very low calorie diet is HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. HCG Diet Direct offers a variety of supportive tools for the very low calorie diet.

HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula in combination with a VLCD or very low calorie diet offers amazing results for those looking for drastic weight loss. The pair together offer 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day on average. Although...these results are only possible by sticking to the strict diet as outlined by the VLCD or very low calorie diet. And this particular VLCD limits dieters to 500 calories per day.No one would argue...that's a tough limitation. You don't get to make any exceptions on this diet and you don't get any days of "free eating."

But while it's tough enough to want to avoid at all offers results that definitely make it worth it! And the weight loss averages aren't the only advantages of this particular diet. It is also a very short diet (25 to 40 days) that offers immediate results (weight loss within the first week). The pairing of the VLCD or very low calorie diet with HCG offers a few additional unique benefits.

The HCG part of this little partnership means that you've got a few really great things on your side that help you lose weight and keep it off. It keeps dieters from having hunger pains for one thing. (And that is a HUGE bonus considering that these particular dieters are only getting 1/3 or 1/4 of the normal daily intake).

Another amazing benefit of the HCG for VLCD or very low calorie diet participants is the adjustment of the way the body handles fat cells. Instead of hanging onto the fat cells after they've been emptied by strict dieting, the body is able to absorb the empty fat cells. This makes it much more probable that weight loss while on the diet will stay off after diet completion.

HCG Diet Direct offers a homeopathic HCG weight loss formula for online purchase. Order it online and have it delivered (conveniently) to your own front door. In addition to the availability of the HCG you also have access to plenty of free information that will enable you to get a better idea of the possibilities you're tapping by partnering the VLCD or very low calorie diet with the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. It's a killer combination for drastic, immediate weight loss. - 17268

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