Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Second Week: Preparing for the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

We're all set. Lisa and I both ordered our HCG products from HCG Diet Direct last night. She stuck to the basics: enough homeopathic HCG weight loss formula to last her for a 25 day program. I got the same plus B-Total Sublingual and the cookbook. She's pretty sneaky (and I'm a pretty nice friend) so I bet she'll get most of the advantages of the cookbook through me, but I've totally got an edge with the B-Total Sublingual.

I've got an edge, but I don't think it's cheating because I absolutely tried to talk her into getting B-Total. She knew I ordered it when we both ordered our HCG diet kits. So while I've got an edge...I wouldn't call it an unfair edge.

We both thought the ordering process was perfectly understandable and easy. We just got online, went to and clicked on the Buy Products link. Then we added the products we wanted to purchase to our online carts and then checked out. We both paid online using Visa credit cards. The site was secure and we both received email receipts for our transactions immediately.

And even more impressive...I got a second email telling me that my order had already been prepped and was ready to ship. And that was only a few hours after my initial order. That's quick moving on their part! I haven't talked to Lisa so I'm not sure if her's was handled so quickly, but if not same day then I would guess it will be ready for shipment next day. And that's pretty cool.

Our products should arrive pretty quickly and we got a great deal on it because not only were most of the HCG Diet Direct products and HCG diet kits on sale, but I found an online coupon code that gave us an additional discount. You have to love that! We expect our HCG diet kits to arrive within the week. And that works out perfect because after studying the calendar we decided it was just too serendipitous that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It's the perfect "loading" day. The first two days of the diet you are supposed to eat a lot of fatty calories from what I understand. I'll go into further detail once I have the full instructions that should come with the HCG diet kits.

So our HCG diet kits are in the mail and we've set a date to start the HCG diet. We're starting the day before Thanksgiving. That way the whole Thanksgiving thing won't be a huge deal and the 25 days will be complete right before Christmas so we'll at least be able to enjoy a bit more of the Christmas time "eating" than if we were still in the middle of the actual diet. We'll still be in maintenance phase at Christmas, but that's far better than 500 calories per day. - 17268

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