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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Principle Reasons Of Upper Back Distress

By Vince Jenson

Back problems are one of the leading occupational hazards in the United States. Upper back pain is less common than lower back pain. The upper back is generally considered to be the thoracic cage. The thoracic cage consists of 12 spinal bones in their ribs. The spinal bones are connected with soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons and muscles. This skeletal structure is designed to protect the vital organs of the body.

The upper back tends to not move very much. Is designed to be sturdy yet have a level of flexibility to support standing upright. Other areas of the spine are more flexible and tend to move more. The neck, for instance, has a much greater range of movement and the upper back does.

The incidence of upper back pain can vary significantly. There are a number of potential causes which can contribute to discomfort in this area. Since it does have less movement than other parts of the spine, when injuries do occur in this area they can be somewhat painful.

There are two major functions for the upper back. One major function is to provide a protected area for the vital organs. The thoracic cage provides a protective area for the heart and liver. The other major function is the distribution of body weight. The upper back must be able to transmit fluctuations in how weight is distributed and to be able to transmit those between the upper and lower body.

What are causes of upper back pain? There seem to be two main groups of discomfort coming from this region. One general group is joint dysfunction. The other is classified as soft tissue irritation.

In the case of joint dysfunction, this generally involves the soft tissue and state of the bone in the spinal column. The spine consists of many small bones and the soft tissues in between. Discomfort can result when these joints do not function correctly.

The two most common conditions which accounts for the most common causes of back pain are strains and sprains. These are soft tissue injuries. The soft tissues must have sufficient strength yet have enough flexibility to perform their functions.

Many problems can arise in the back from simple tasks such as sitting. If you sit for long periods of time at work, there is potential to put stress and strain on the muscles of your back. You are sitting position is very critical as to how the weight of your body is distributed.

Arthritis is another potential problem for the upper back. The most common form is osteoarthritis. This condition occurs with the wearing down of cartilage around the joints. This can cause swelling, stiffness and aches. Other conditions affecting the upper back include fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and ruptured discs.

Since there are a variety of causes for upper back pain, there are also a variety of treatment options. In certain cases, surgery may be the only option. However, most injuries occur to the soft tissues which can be treated with physical therapy or chiropractic manipulation. Both of these involve the use of stretching, exercise and massage therapy. It is important to restore the flexibility of the spine and to build up its strength.

There are a number of treatments for upper back pain. Normally, your physician or chiropractor will perform a number of tests to determine what the situation with you is. However, the tests are not always 100% accurate in detecting the root cause. This area the body is very complex and sometimes difficult to diagnose.

The good thing is that there are more treatment options available today than ever before. Doctors also reserve surgery as a last resort. There are many natural methods to help restore the health of your spine. Discuss with your health professional natural options which can help to reduce and relieve your upper back pain. - 17268

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