Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Washington, DC Personal Fitness Trainer Reveals 7 Reasons NOT To Run

By Josef Brandenburg

Many trainers may confirm that running is great. But, Washington DC personal fitness trainer gives you an altogether different version. There are many reasons that justify why running should not be on top of your exercising list. These seven reasons confirm this fact.

#1: Runners rarely look good.

The reason behind shedding those extra pounds is because you want to look good. Have you even noticed how endurance runners look? They are generally short and fat and are mostly unpleasant to look at. You tend to look better if you adopt short distance running. Usually short distance runners develop slender muscles and perfect abs. Any Washington DC personal fitness trainer would tell you the same.

#2: Running has adverse effects on your hormones.

Hormones are generated while running. These hormones can damage muscles, make you sick and enhance the amount of fat storage in your body. By running, you will work against your hormones. To put it in simple words, if you want to lose weight, then quit running.

#3: Running can cause troubles to your muscles and decrease metabolic rate.

Metabolic rate is partially influenced by the amount of muscle mass in your body. Fat burns faster if you have more muscle mass while you would be able to burn few calories if you have less muscle. Twitch muscles help you run at a faster pace and are crucial for a great body and higher metabolic rate. Endurance training aids in invigorating slow twitch muscles that do not affect your metabolic rate.

#4: Running deteriorates your athletic ability essential for other sports.

Endurance training's job is to allow you to run at a steady pace for a longer period. In most sports, the goal is to get from place to place faster than the other person does. These sports are interval workouts, with short bursts of activity. Endurance training de-conditions your fast twitch muscles! This makes you a poor athlete outside of the long distance run.

#5: Our Washington DC personal fitness trainer knows that running is excruciating.

Any person who is obese would cause damage to their joints by running long distance. Short distance runs, similar to sprints are not at all harmful for your knees. In fact, you will end up damaging your knees if you run for longer period of time. For weight loss any distance beyond a 30 seconds sprint is considered to be too long.

#6: Running is not the best thing you can do for weight loss.

Any Washington DC personal fitness trainer will tell you about the insignificance of running, at-least for the purpose of weight loss. Aerobics, similar to this form of running is worst thing you can do to lose weight.

#7: Running is monotonous.

Finally, one last thing to ask your Washington, DC personal fitness trainer is this. Have they had fun running? Running is boring and in fact may equate to you not doing the task because you are bored with it. - 17268

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