Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weight Lifting Routines Done Systematically Guarantees Success

By Jace P. Andersen

Working out systematically when doing weight lifting routines will not only guarantee the results you are looking for, but will keep you focused on why you are doing this sporting activity. So develop an exercise routine to suit your time tables as well as lifestyle.

Each time you lift a heavy weight, the micro elements, also called micro fibrils inside your muscles, tear apart, causing severe damage. Your body reacts by healing these elements as they grow back again, but this time they come back thicker and stronger. By repeating this routine over time, the total muscle growth becomes visible as muscles start to grow thick and strong. The healing process needs time to fully heal the muscle.

Muscles grow as this process is repeated over and over again - destroy the muscle and let it grow back larger and stronger. Over training a muscle by doing weight lifting every day will leave the muscle without any time to repair itself and may cause severely painful conditions and certainly no growth. Sensible weight lifting routines must be designed and adhered to at all times.

To give each part of your body time to heal, you should exercise each muscle group only every three to four days. Choose a group of muscles that sit close to each other like stomach muscles, legs and shoulders as your main three areas and workout each area every three days only. This way you do a full body workout once week with enough recovery time in between.

Before you know it, you body will stop complaining and start enjoying your set routine. Always keep a single day for total rest aside or you may get so tired that you might consider stopping training altogether. Resting days can be filled with light exercise, but avoid any weight training.

Muscles adapt to strain quickly and may need a new challenge quite soon or they will simply stop growing. This is called striking a plateau, and may be very disheartening. To stop this from happening, mix up your exercise routines frequently putting different strains on different muscle groups than the week before. Ask about grips as they may change the smallest of muscles into larger ones by making tiny adjustments.

As your muscles develop, they will get a lot stronger, thus you will have to increase the total weight you lift with every session. Slowly but surely your body will adapt again to the heavier lifting, so stay ahead and keep increasing the weights before they become to easy to lift. Lifting weights that are too easy to pick up will have no benefit at all as you simply irritate the muscles by avoiding maximum stress on them.

As you progress on your weight lifting regime, you will realize that eating the wrong food at the wrong time may totally counteract your hard work. Keep proteins as your main food source as your body needs lots of proteins to grow back damaged muscle tissue. Many weight lifters avoid carbohydrates and end up too weak to keep up with their programs. Carbohydrates fuel the energy cells of your body and give you the strength necessary to keep up the strenuous exercise routine to the end. - 17268

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