Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why Liquid Diets Are Not Effective for Weight Loss

By Walter Marsaki

Liquid diets are popular means of losing weight fast and easy. Do you know the truth about them?

It is not good to take liquid diets for many days. You may burn a little bit of fat, but you will also burn muscles of your body.

Your body will not get all the required energy for its functioning from the liquid diet. So what will it do?

At first, the body will try to get energy by burning fat then later on will burn muscles to gain more energy. So you will lose muscles with continued use of liquid diets.

Once you start eating solid food, the weight that you lost might come back again. But the muscles are unlikely to be back so easily.

When you lose muscles, you will become weaker. You have to do regular exercises in order to gain back the muscles.

As muscle loss makes your body weak, it is not a good practice to embark on liquid diets for fast weight loss.

Most people are not accustomed to low calorie intake that you get from liquid diets. Most liquid diets will consist of calories in the range of 400-800 per day.

Drastically reducing the calorie intake might cause unwanted side effects. A better approach is to go slowly and steadily. Wanting to lose weight overnight, can cause you serious health problems.

The major problems associated with liquid diets are muscle loss, sudden and drastic reduction in calorie intake, weakness and keeping the weight off.

You might lose weight initially, but may struggle to keep it off after some time. You cannot remain on liquid diets forever. You have to come back to solid foods.

Once you start eating solid foods again, it can get pretty difficult to keep the weight from coming back again. Sometimes, you may gain back more weight than your original weight.

Liquid dieting as such can cause muscle loss and only very little fat loss. Your metabolism rate may also drop as a result of it.

Beware of continuing liquid diets for a long time. They might cause serious health problems.

Being on liquid diets for many days might cause damage to kidneys and lungs. Your immune system may also become weak with liquid dieting. These are important organs of the body and one should be careful regarding them.

Would you like to cause damage to them because of your haste to lose a few pounds? It is far better to approach weight loss through healthy means.

Final verdict is that liquid dieting is not a good option for long term weight loss. It is best not to try it out as a means of rapid weight loss. - 17268

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