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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Acne Home Remedies

By Kevin Simons

Anyone who has suffered from acne knows how scarring it can be both physically and emotionally. Not everybody reacts well to the medications currently on the market for acne. In this case, it might be worth looking into a home remedy for acne or alternative methods.

Fatty foods and high sugar foods have been gaining attention as possible causes of acne. However, this is a subject of some controversy, even though there has been research indicating a possible connection.

People who have acne and have cut down on eating greasy foods, will tell you how it has helped them. On the net, you can find people's testimonials attesting to this. Furthermore, many will also tell you how much stress and lack of sleep contributes to flare ups of their acne.

I would highly recommend trying to cut back on the grease and sugar to see if it offers any benefits. These kinds of foods are also proven causes of heart disease.

Fortunately there is something less controversial - and that is nutrition for healthy skin.

One of the most important nutrients for the skin is vitamin A. If there isn't enough vitamin A in your diet, cracked, dry and rough skin can result. Vitamin A also helps reduce the amount of sebum produced in the skin - the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. If there is too much sebum then your pores get blocked!

Getting enough vitamin E is essential for a healthy immune system. It also works with vitamin A to produce dermatological beneficial effects. You will find both vitamin A and E in facial creams. Vitamin E also helps to reduce the production of sebum.

Zinc can be helpful in preventing inflammation and flare ups in the skin. Zinc is also an important mineral needed for skin to heal and to reduce the effects of scarring.


Juicing produce is a great way to provide yourself with the above nutrients. Getting the nutrients you need from real food sources increases their digestibility considerable as compared to vitamin and mineral supplements. Furthermore, juicing is also a good way to help hydrate the skin.

Acne Relief Juice #1

3 carrots

3 carrots

1/2 apple

Wash ingredients thoroughly. Put them through you juicer and enjoy. This remedy is loaded with vitamin A and also contains vitamin E and zinc.

Acne Relief Juice #2

1-1/2 cups of broccoli heads

1 cup of blueberries

1/2 apple

Wash the berries and peel off the kiwi skins. This remedy is loaded with vitamins A and E and also zinc.

Acne Remedy Juice #3

1/4 of watermelon

Blackberries are a great source of vitamins A, E and zinc.

Acne Relief Juice #4

1/4 of a watermelon (flesh only)

Juice the flesh only and not the rind. Watermelon is a good source of vitamin A and is an all around great natural cleanser for the body and its cells. Plus, it tastes great!

Home Remedies for Acne Juice #5

3 carrots

1/2 apple

This juice is a wonderful source of antioxidants. Vitamins A and E and zinc are all present - 17268

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