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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Top Ten Super Diet Staples For Great Health

By Susanne Marra

Healthy eating and physical fitness go together, but there are no magic foods that cause you to be one hundred percent healthy by just eating the one food. No, you need a variety of foods from each of these food groups each day. It's also important to watch the portion size so as not to overeat. Make your mealtimes pleasant and relaxed occasions and your healthy foods will work effectively with your healthy emotions to give you a healthy body.
Try to add these to your diet as often as possible for better health.

Berries - You may like one type of berry or love them all, you just can't go wrong picking berries as a quick snack,or by adding some frozen berries with juice for a delicious smoothie dessert. All berries have a high C content but some are high in other important nutrients also. For a healthy circulatory system you can't beat the high content of C and antioxidant in blueberries. Gogi berries which seem to have come out of nowhere are high in many important nutrients that keep us healthy.

Citrus - Everyone knows that foods in this group are known for their vitamin C. For the best nutritional value you will want to choose fruit as close to the tree as possible and the riper the better. Consume fruits that have been ripened on the tree as soon as picked for the top nutritional value. Grapefruit is an excellent choice for breakfast. Dress up a salad by squeezing fresh lime over it or try a different type of dessert: oranges mixed with some coconut and honey.

Vegetables - What a wide variety there is when you are talking vegetables. Picking out vegetables for a nutritionally sound diets is second nature for vegetarians and vegans. Many of the minerals your body needs will come from this group. Some people do not realize that potassium is very important to your body. Or they may think you can only get potassium from eating a banana. You may not realize that eating a stalk of broccoli is more than sufficient for getting potassium. A good choice is a pasta salad with green leafy vegetables and some pine nuts. You can have a complete meal for lunch by crumbling some feta cheesee on top along with some light vinaigrette.

Whole Grains - Like many of these food groups choosing only one type of grain will not cut it to be nutritionally of the maximum benefit, variety is key. Mixing two or more grains will many times give you a complete protein. One example of this is by mixing together some brown rice with some heat kernels is an excellent choice Adding some nice seasoning to this and you get a dish that is popular in a vast number of countries.

Salmon - Salmon is lean fish and nutritionally one of the best fish choices. It is rich in Omega-3 oils that are noted as helping improve the functioning of the brain. Salmon baked whole with just lemon or lime as a seasoning makes a fantastic main dish or a hearty luncheon featured menu item. Salmon is also commonly found in chilled seafood dishes.

Legumes - This is simply a fruit with a dry seed, only one. Legumes are also referred to as pods. Some edible legumes are peanuts, soybeans and dried beans. Legumes have a very high iron content as well as a high fiber content which makes them great nutritional choices. One type of legume that is responsible for hundreds of different edible and non edible products are peanuts.

Nuts and seeds - So much goodness is packed into these tiny little packages. We all pretty much know that pecans and walnuts are good for us, but you may not know that one brain food is flax seed which contain a non meat source of omega-3 oils which are essential.

Lean proteins - Lean is the word you want to key in on here. As a whole Americans eat far too much protein as compared to any where else in the world. Reduce the portion size down to three ounces which is sufficient for one day for most people. Before eating meat sources of protein be sure to trim off visible fat. You can switch from meat to the complete protein found in some vegetable meals made from beans and brown rice.

Tea - According to the type of tea you choose, you may get an energy boost if you should choose green tea or guarana, or feel more relaxed from say chamomile. Mint tea will get you going in the morning as well as a nice cup of earl grey. Herbal teas are tasty, good for you and have the ability to sooth you. When you need to function choosing non herbal teas can keep you alert.

Olive oil - Olive oil is probably the healthiest substance you can use to keep fat in your diet. You can use it on your salad, mix it with a little vinegar to create your own dressing, or fry other foods in the hot oil. Just make sure that the temperature is not too hot so that the oil is broken down.

No magic here, but by making these small additions you will be on your way to better health. - 17268

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