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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fastest Way to Lose Weight - The Top 3 Foods Your Body Needs

By Tess Rainey

In this article we will discuss the fastest way to lose weight by eating the top 3 foods your body is craving. You may not realize your body is craving one of these foods, but by adding them into your diet and consuming them regularly, you will help your body to grow and thrive and even fight off diseases like cancer, depression, diabetes and more.

1. Protein: Protein is something that is under consumed, and yet it is one of the most important foods that your body needs. Whether or not you are a vegetarian, your body needs protein, and there are many sources you can get it from. Chicken, eggs and turkey for starters, even soy, beans and nuts are excellent sources.

Many people skip breakfast in the morning, either because they are trying to lose weight, don't have the time, or simply don't think they need it. But it isn't just a saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body really needs food in the morning to start off right and protein especially will help get you through your day as well as help you lose weight.

2. Fruits: We've all heard it, eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. But realistically, how many of us actually get all of our fruits and veggies in before the sun sets? Not many, but it isn't hard to fit them all in if you are eating them for snacks throughout the day rather than eating foods that aren't good for you.

And as an added bonus, substituting a fruit for your usual cookie or chips will not only make you feel better, but it will satisfy your hunger longer so you end up eating less and losing weight.

3. Vegetables: Children aren't the only ones who don't eat their vegetables. Many adults are guilty of omitting this very essential food from their diets. You can't ignore the health studies however that find that eating leafy greens and other vegetables during the day will not only help you function better, but will help your body deal with the many toxins it is exposed to everyday.

Other great choices for your daily veggies are colorful vegetables and fruits that contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients support our well-being and function and protect us against aging, obesity and more. Without them our bodies do not function as well, can't fight off disease and will often feel sluggish and/or depressed. Add some pretty colors to your meals and you will feel energized, lose weight and perhaps even prevent cancer.

In the article above we discussed the fastest way to lose weight and how to become thinner simply by eating enough protein, fruits and vegetables. We all know how essential these foods are for our bodies, the trick is to change your habits so you can easily include them in your daily menus. By doing so and eating these 3 foods, you can lose weight and usually without even trying.

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