Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Pure Existance With Abs Work Out

By Trevski Hindy

The so called six pack area is not only a center of our body that needs attention because of vanity, but because of real health concerns as well. It has been extensively researched and documented that fat in the belly area significantly increases the chances of heart disease. Not to mention that it also puts strain on the back along with a number of other health risks. That is why an abs work out is essential not only for looking good but for being healthy as well.

There are a number of exercises that will target your center. Along with a healthy diet, you are sure to start seeing results. The hardest part of any new endeavor is sticking to it. Once you have made up your mind that a leaner waist line is what you want, there is no turning back.

The classic crunch is the most typical kind of exercise used for the ab area. You will need to lie on the floor. Bend your legs so that your feet are placed on the floor and your knees are bent. Put your heads on the back of your head, and not neck, and pull your shoulders off the floor. You should be contracting your abs and not straining your neck.

Another exercise that targets the belly-ab area is the bicycle exercise. With this exercise you lie your back flat on the floor, like you initially do with a classic crunch. You then begin bringing your knees alternatively to your chest, while bringing your shoulders off the floor. For instance, you bring your left knee to your chest trying to make your right elbow touch. Meanwhile your right leg is outstretched. You repeat the process alternatively with each knee, making a bicycling motion.

In addition, the full vertical crunch is another fat blasting work out. You once again place your back on the floor and your heads on the back of your head. You stretch your legs vertically upward and draw your shoulders off the floor. You will use your ab muscles to do this without straining your neck.

The reverse crunch uses your legs to work the ab muscles. Once again you find your back lying flat on the floor. You extend your legs only half way, making them bend mid air. You pull your abs in order to lift your hips off the ground. Make sure you use your ab muscles to push your hips up instead of your legs themselves.

This is just one ab work out among many that can help you on your journey to leaner and flatter abs. Stick to it and you will be enjoying flatter abs before you know it. Good Luck! - 17268

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