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Friday, November 28, 2008

Can Acai Berry Supplements Help Me To Become Healthier?

By Dawn Z Shillingster

The odds are pretty high that you do not really know a lot about acai berries. If that is the case, you probably are not aware of the benefits of acai berry supplements either. Up until pretty recently, they were a mystery to a lot of us. However, their popularity is growing rapidly. As it does so, information about these rather magical berries is readily available as well. It definitely pays to learn what you can. These berries or supplements made from them can keep you healthy in many ways.

For quite some time, only those intimately familiar with the vegetation found in the Amazon rain forest knew about these amazing fruits. They grow wild there. They are deeply purple in color and they are known to contain a number of vital vitamins and antioxidants. It is mind boggling to realize that a potential curative has been growing all this time, and most of us have been completely unaware.

Local farmers now harvest the berries from where they grow wild in the forests. They have the additional value of remaining nutritious even when frozen. This allows it to be shipped all over the world without losing any of its healthy potency or possible curative powers.

How are acai berries so helpful? How can they positively affect your health? To be honest, the possibilities have only just begun being explored. They may be endless. Right now it is known that they can keep your heart healthy. Acai berries contain very special compounds known as anthocyanins. They are the same things found in red wine which make it healthy. The difference is that the concentration is higher in the berries. You can get all the good stuff without the threat of a hangover!

Acai berries and their supplements are extremely rich in protein and dietary fiber as well. Not only that, but they have a lot of the important fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-9, too. These help the heart too, but they have the added benefit of helping the cardiovascular system in addition. It is even believed that acai berries can benefit high cholesterol levels.

Finally, they are also known for their anti aging properties. There is a strong suggestion that they can help to slow down the aging process. Ask any health food nut, they no doubt know the advantages of these amazing berries. - 17268

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