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Sunday, November 30, 2008

How To Achieve A More "Toned" Body

By Caleb Lee

If you want to look more toned, more beefy and have a radically ripped abs for life then read this article.

People (women predominantly) state that they want to be more "toned". In short, they don't necessarily want to build more muscle mass, but then they want the muscle that already have to look more in shape, toned, and defined.

How most people screw up trying to get "toned"

Most people totally screw this up. They try to get toned by "going for the burn" when working out. They do this because

1. Someone told them heavy weights make you big

2. Their muscles feel and look toned after they "Feel the burn" when working out with high reps.

Here's why you shouldn't "go for the burn" when keeping fit if you want to get toned

The Burn is lactic acid buildup

The reason you feel hard during and after the 'burn' is the same reason a corpse is stiff. Your muscle fibers are akin to mouse traps-they go off by themselves, but need energy to be reset to contract once again. A dead body is out of ATP, the energy compound that relaxes the muscles, that's why their muscles are permanently contracted.

An elevated rep training wears out ATP in your muscle and leads to a momentary stiffness extremely similar to what happens to a dead body. But you probably don't want to be dead, and in spite of that you still want to be toned. The solution?

Real Muscle Tone - Tension

To get lasting tone, you need to exercise your nervous system to keep your muscles half flexed when you are calm. This is what muscle tone is-residual tension in a relaxed muscle! The kind of tension that comes from neurological activity, and not energy fatigue.

Increased muscle tone is not a physical transformation of your muscle. It is the result of the nervous system being more alert. It keeps the muscles partially contracted all the time.

Strength / Tension / Tone

Strength and tone training is the same thing. If you learn to generate tension to gain strength, instead of building more muscle, then the stronger you are, the harder you will be. This means you need to focus on strength training to get that hard bod you want. Max tension = max strength.

For Women

* Want buns of steel? Intense, high-tension deadlifts work your butt WAY more than butt squeezes, 'fire hydrants', or similar silly moves popular in 'muscle sculpting' classes

* Sculpt abs of steel? Intense, high-tension deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, ab wheel routines, planks, and the like force your abs to produce high tension

* Want muscular, sleek, sexy hips and thighs? Deadlifts, squats, and other full body movements done with high tension, heavy weights are the ticket.

For men:

* Want a Strong Chest and Massive-looking Shoulders? Intense, High Tension Overhead Presses and Bench Presses will get you there

* Desire for a barnyard back? Weight Pullups and Bent over Rows to build those lats

* Sculpt a killer six-pack? Squats, Deads, Overhead Squats, Overhead presses, Ab Wheels and planks like the ladies

* Want big arms? Heavy presses and other overhead work.

You Can Strength Train and Not "Get Hulking"

Here's how you strength train without getting huge: keep the volume down. After that you will get stronger, harder, and more toned without getting any bigger. Keep the total number of reps at a low level each workout. A general rule is 10 reps or less. So two heavy sets of 5 would work with the major exercises.

If you desire to build bigger, more robust muscles: Lift extra volume during your training. Keep the reps low though so you're still able to lift with maximum tension and build more strength. 5 sets x 5 reps as an example for every major exercise.

So there you go. If you want to get maximum hard-body results and a lean chiseled abs, then you have to build strength. - 17268

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