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Monday, December 1, 2008

Becoming a Yoga Instructor

By Kiiera Success Group

One of the fastest growing exercise and meditation program throughout the country is Yoga. One reason for the fast growth is the number of benefits ranging from better emotional health to improved sense of well being. There is continued research to find the benefits of yoga but the results so far indicate that it is physically and mentally healthy. As this practice continues to grow the need for qualified instructors expands also. You shouldn't practice without an instructor because of possible injury and over stretched muscles and joints. Guidance and encouragement from a good instructor will help achieve physical goals and allow the student to practice independently.

There are several levels of Yoga instructors available to teach. Becoming certified requires the student reach the level of knowledge of his teacher. The Yoga Alliance has certain requirements for individuals who would teach and therefore is the watchdog for specific standard requirements.

They have a 200 hour certification as well as a 500 hour certification. Completion of this allows the instructor to place the initials RYT after his name. There are many training programs available and there are certain requirements before becoming a student. Typical would be able to do a handstand in the middle of the room and have practiced yoga for a number of years.

Most instructors don't make a full time living giving instruction. If they do it requires hard work and very long hours, without health benefits or 401 K programs. There are many who are able to juggle yoga classes each week around their other jobs. These hard working instructors would do well to include the health benefits of a new product called Kiiera Viv. This is a brand new all natural product that is simply added to your water and improves both mental and physical function. It comes in small portable packets containing the healthy and delicious powder.

In searching for a certified instructor you can start by looking at you local yoga centers. Some offer their own program so be sure and check out their curriculum before starting their classes. Financial investment can run a yoga instructor several thousand dollars to become certified, so this whole industry has become a money making operation. Any program you consider should be checked out to make sure it has a Yoga Alliance certification which will guarantee any certificate you receive on completion will be honored at another center.

Other things for you to consider would be the cost, schedules and personalities of the instructor. Tuition can run as much as $3000.00 in fees to become certified at the 200 hour level and if you go for the 500 level the cost may be double. Also you should consider your schedule and how it would fit with the classes. Sometimes training it set up for an eight hour shift and will achieve the 200 hour certification in only a month. Other programs can take longer if they are spread out over week ends and evenings. Your choice depends on the amount of hours you can devote to the actual class time. Last thing you should consider is the personality of your instructor, because you will be spending a lot of time together. - 17268

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