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Friday, December 12, 2008

Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Neck

By Westy

It is very noticeable when you see a bodybuilder who has developed the muscles in their neck. The appearance of well developed neck muscles is one of the ways that you can determine who has been working on their body for a while and who has not. You will also be doing something to prevent any injuries that could occur from your other exercises.

One exercise that is very common to improve the muscles in the neck is the shrug. There are some variations that can be used, but it is actually a very simple exercise. Just shrug your shoulders.

You can do the shrug using dumbells, or a barbell. And surprisingly you can often lift a fair bit of weight doing this exercise too. It's only got a short range of motion so you don't have to really do all that much work. It's easy to do the shrug, just grab the weight, hold near your waist and shrug your shoulders like you don't give a damn. Lift them, up, then down slowly. The control of this exercise is important.

You can develop loads of strength by working with your ideal weight rep range between about 5-7. But be careful. You should make sure you're well warmed up before you start. Even before you attempt to find out what your best rep range is, you should do a couple of workouts using less weight. This is because the neck is a horrible place to get an injury. Just be careful if you've not done much neck work before. Injury in this area is the last thing you need.

There are some other exercises that you can add after you have begun to develop the muscles in the neck.

The exercise is called the weighted neck flexion and it is performed as follows:

1. Wrap a weight plate in a towel

2. Lay back on your weight bench with your head off of the bench.

3. Place the plate on the forehead and support it with your hands.

4. lift your body in a situp style movement using your neck muscles till your chin touches your chest

5. lower your body slowly till you are fully extended again

6. Keep going until you are finished.

Do this exercise in reverse on your stomach.

Other exercises include the neck extension and flexion. Simply place your hands on the appropriate side of the head and apply resistance while pussing in the other direction. You should feel a decent neck workout by simply using your own body to do the work like this. It's a great way to start. Stay away from other exercises like the Neck Bridge unless you've been working out extensively for a good while and have need for this level of neck strength. This exercise would usually only be usefull if you're into wrestling, boxing, martial arts etc. Make sure you get proper guidance if you're attempting the Neck Bridge.

The neck is a small part of your upper body workout and should be strengthened along with your chest, back and shoulders. Make sure that you are working on the muscles in your neck to gain the strength that will benefit you in other parts of your workout routine. - 17268

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