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Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Get a Better Brain Development for Your Child

By Michael Byrd

When and how to shape a child's brain development is crucial. Many propose computer programs. But experts have the opinion that it would be useless to do it once the child's brain development has actually stopped.

It is always good to begin even before the baby is born up to the time of his or her third birthday. This is the most crucial period in the child's brain development and determines its ability to learn for the rest of their life.

It may be strange to begin earlier than they're able to read, write or reason, but studies have shown that these skills are slowly developed even before a child reaches kindergarten.

A current study published was in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology [Vol. 42: 174-181], where they observed 56 babies, who were as young as 5 days old, and enhanced their diets with omega 3 fish oil fatty acids with DHA.

Those who were given fish oil supplements proved to have a significantly higher cognitive and motor ability on the "Mental Development Index" as compared to those who were not.

This group of doctors has come to conclude that an early dietary supplement of fish oil with DHA plays a dynamic part in determining great improvement in performance and mental development in full term babies.

Research conducted among premature babies, which was published in the Clinics of Perinatology, [Vol. 22(1):157-75], discovered that even premature babies can also have benefits from fish oil. After they were supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, a remarkable improvement was seen in their cognitive and visual development.

These are just a few of the many research findings that have proven the secret to a child's brain development is providing it with enough omega 3 and DHA.

DHA is a very abundant long-chain omega 3 in the brain tissue. Around 95% of these lipids are present during birth and grow to be part of the brain tissues while the baby is in the uterus and during the first year of life.

Expectant moms need to take in more fish and get fish oil supplements. This is good to give their baby's brain development a boost from the start and give them a good chance of having a more intelligent baby in the future.

Subsequently, make sure that you breast-feed your child during the first year. Sufficient amounts of omega 3's can come from breast milk.

A result of research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and it showed that a minimum amount of dietary fish oil with DHA helps to significantly elevate breast milk content. [Vol. 40, 780-785]

The study on brain development influenced my wife to use fish oil during her pregnancy and nursing and also supplement the diet of our children with salmon oil while they were just six months old.

It was not difficult to give them the supplements. We extracted it from the capsule, placed it in a spoon and made them drink it. We are proud to say how people have observed them to be so smart and they have nice test scores to prove it.

But what can be better is that they are happy and healthy children too. Use fish oil for your kids and you will be glad you did. - 17268

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