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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Avoid Getting Stretch Marks When Bodybuilding

By Cliff Bacot

People think that stretch marks only afflict pregnant women, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Bodybuilders are another significant group that is susceptible to getting them, because of the speed at which the acquire muscle mass. When the gain quickly the skin is stretched beyond its limit and has a tendency to tear.

Those who use steroids are more likely to get stretch marks, because their muscle growth is even faster. However, just because a bodybuilder has stretch marks doesn't mean that they are using steroids. It is a double edge sword because building muscle makes a guy look good, but the stretch marks tend to detract from that.

In my opinion, the only true cure for stretch marks is to avoid them in the first place by maintaining a relatively stable weight. In other words, not to bulk up to an unreasonable degree. The practice of "bulking up", which is increasing a large amount of body weight in the form of muscle and fat in an attempt to gain net muscle over the long term, is an invitation to develop stretch marks. Gain lean mass slowly and never get fat.

Stretch marks are not cause by sweat or a strenuous workout as some falsely believe. Additionally men can certainly get them too, contrary to what some think. If you don't change the behavior that is causing the stretch marks, then they will only continue or get worse.

Once you do get them there are a number of creams that can be used both to prevent and treat them. These creams have ingredients that go into the places where the skin has been damaged, and once they have reached the second layer of skin, they begin to repair

The best you can do is wear or stretch marks proudly as a reward for your hard work. They demonstrate that you are building muscle at such a feverish pace that your skin couldn't keep up. In any event don't let them get you down and enjoy your new physique. - 17268

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