Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, March 13, 2009

Top 7 Time Wasters At The Gym

By Victoria Jamison

When you're in the gym, there are a lot of distractions. It seems, these days, my gym time is always battling with other things that can seem more important. When I do finally get in the gym, I'm careful to not waste my time on these 7 items.

1. Too much time in the gym- Cardio exercise should be a portion of your time in the gym, not the bulk of it. It's meant to compliment your resistance training and a proper nutrition plan.

2 - No more long rest periods between exercises. Usually this happens when you see a friend and you spend 10 minutes chatting about fitness. Talking about getting fit isn't going to help you get fit. Don't take as many breaks and instead schedule some time over coffee when you're both of you are away from the gym.

3 - Plan your workouts. Make sure you know what exercises you're going to do, how many reps you'll do of each and how much weight you're going to use. If you're constantly trying to figure things out on the fly, you'll double your time in the gym.

4 - Have two exercises in mind. You've most likely got a set routine you want to use to work all the muscles in a group. If, for some reason, someone else is using the machine you need, this can slow you down dramatically. I like to have two exercises using different pieces of equipment in my plan book. Exercise A and if that isn't available exercise B.

5 - Get intense! Push yourself further than you thought you could go. Physical gains don't happen when you're barely pushing yourself. You need to be going to failure on almost every exercise. Even if you're just building strength and have no interest in bulk, you should still work to failure, just at a higher level. Remember, bulk comes between 8 and 10 reps and strength comes when you're doing between 12 and 15.

6. Not using your full range of motion- If you are not using your full range of motion when performing your exercises, you can be sure that you are wasting your time. Be sure you are using correct form to be sure you are getting the results you desire.

7) Get some help from someone who knows what they're doing. There aren't many golfers better than Tiger Woods, but, he still has a coach. A coach isn't someone who knows more than you, it's someone who can observe and motivate you from outside of yourself. They can see things you're doing wrong. They can motivated you when you don't have it in you. Seek out a professional even if it's just for a periodic check-up for yourself. It will pay huge dividends.

If you could only relate to 2 or 3 of those items, don't just brush them aside thinking you're well beyond this information. Take those 2 or 3 things and concentrate on fixing them. It will give you more time away from the gym and increase the quality of your workouts. - 17268

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