Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Best Way To Lose Weight? Give The Booze A Miss!

By Henry John

'Alcohol makes you fat'. How many times have you been told that? It's usually used to warn people off from drinking too much, but is it a true statement? No, it's not strictly true, alcohol doesn't make you fat, it actually prevents you from losing weight. It stops your stored energy being used. If you're looking for the best way to lose weight, it would be a very sensible thing to understand about alcohol.

When you drink alcohol, you give your body a bit of a dilemma. The energy in alcohol can't be stored because it is not a carbohydrate. What your body has to do is to covert the energy into something called acetate. Instead of then being stored as fat, it stays in the blood stream. Your body doesn't like this very much, so it uses the acetate energy first, leaving your energy that is stored as fat well alone.

It's not difficult to see why it makes sense not to drink when you're trying to lose weight. All your stored energy stays where it is. Your scales will stay put, in fact they will probably start to move steadily upwards!

What do you think is the best way to lose weight? Drinking alcohol is a habit. Too much alcohol is a bad habit. Too much food - particularly bad foods like ready meals and fast foods - is a bad habit. Losing weight is about getting rid of the bad habits that make you fat.

The sooner you become aware of your bad habits, the easier it will be to lose weight. The best way to lose weight permanently is to learn new habits, slim habits. This is the key to permanent weight loss.

The secret of permanent weight loss is change. If you are drinking alcohol you need to know exactly how much you are drinking because this will very much affect how much weight you will be able to lose. You have to make change if you are to lose weight permanently. If alcohol is one of your bad habits, then you need to recognize it and make the necessary changes. If you have the will and the resolve, you will lose weight. Remember the way to make change is to learn new works! - 17268

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